The Legend Of Orion The Protector

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This is the tale of how I became the legendary King Orion, the story of how my life rapidly changed from follower to leader. The songs sung by my people of how I saved them from the evil trickster who I once called father. The poems of how love revealed the dark truth of the evil hidden within the high council. The anecdote of love, loss, deceit, secrets, the battle, the fall of a liar and the rise of a civilisation. This is the origin of how I became known as Orion the protector of Narfili and its forests.

Originally I was known to my people as Orion the huntsman, named after the Greek God. I was given this name because I am the mightiest hunter among my people. I am the adopted son of the King who led the high council. Like all civilisations we have laws. But unlike other civilisations if our laws are broken the punishment is death by a thing called the hunt. The hunt is where we throw law breakers in the wilderness where they will be given a weapon of choice to try and defend themselves from the hunter chosen to hunt and execute the felon. The council always chose me to commence the hunt as I always found and killed my target without fail with the help of my two swords, my bow and my pet wolf Major.  

One day Major and I were hunting deer in the wilderness. I sent Major to chase a deer, minutes passed then I heard Major yelp. I ran towards the yelping, I arrived at the source of Majors yelps which had suddenly stopped. What I found was strange to me, I found a women next to Major who was limping. After seeing Major limping, I assumed the woman harmed him and charged at her aggressively with my blades, the woman started screaming in fear. Before I reached the woman, Major moved in front of the woman and growled at me. I recognised this as the position Major takes when he's protecting something. Confused at Major I stopped charging, I stared at Major with confusion, I looked at the women who Major was now snuggling up against.

I approached the woman slowly, who started shuffling away from me in fear. I placed my blades down, then placed my hands in front of my chest with my palms facing her and assured her I wasn't going to harm her and I apologized. She gradually began to stop shuffling away. I offered her my hand to help her up. She accepted my helping hand. I introduced myself and she did the same, her name was Alice. Alice explained that she was a journalist from Adelaide and she got stranded on this island after her boat sank. She explained she found Major who got his leg stuck in a big tree root and she helped Major get his leg out. I thanked her. I then remembered one of Father's laws, outsiders are forbidden from this island and any outsiders found will be executed in order to keep our home hidden from the outside world. I wanted to keep my new friend safe so I offered her a place to stay in a cave until I could figure out a way to get her home safely.

Through the weeks I took Alice food, water and bedding, I got to know her better and something unexpected happened. We began to grow a relationship, somehow I have found love with an outsider. I taught her things from my home such as hunting and she taught me things from hers such as writing. Major to grew a relationship with Alice.
But then something happened, One day I was going to tell Father about Alice and explain the feeling I began to grow for her and wanted her to join the tribe as my wife. But before I could tell him I heard Kyrin who was the royal guard and Fathers spy yelling "OUTSIDER I FOUND AN OUTSIDER". I ran towards Kyrin, I found in the clutches of two guards Alice struggling and squirming while being dragged towards the council hall. As soon as Father saw Alice he asked where Kyrin found her, He found her in the cave after following me one day like father had ordered. Father looked at me and said in disappointment "this is where you've been sneaking off to these past few weeks". Without consideration he sentenced her to the hunt which would commence tomorrow morning. I tried arguing with him about the stupid law, but he wouldn't listen.

That night I snuck in the prison to break her out. Me and Alice spoke as I was looking cutting each rope holding her stone cell shut. As we addressed each other I heard a voice coming from a pitch black corner of a cell. An elderly man wearing ragged clothes came out of the darkness. He said he knew who I was. He explained that the king had killed my parents because my mother who was the king's sister, like me fell in love with an outsider and they had a child, me. Which set the king off with rage and he killed my parents. I couldn't believe what I was hearing I didn't want to. But he then showed me a photo of my parents he had been hiding away. My heart broke and then rage filled my body. That's when I decided that things needed to change, the king needs to pay for his crimes. I asked who the man was and he said he was my uncle from my father's side, the only one who had ever won the hunt and instead of being released, as the rule of the hunt says will happen to a felon if he wins the hunt, I was locked up here. I helped Alice and my Uncle escape their cells. Then I got ready for the next morning I had a plan that was bound to work.

The next morning everything was in place; the plan was ready. I confronted my father and told him I knew what he did, how he killed my parents and how I am not going to stand by him anymore. He was going to pay for his crimes. He asked what I was going to do? I challenged him for the throne by war in the forest. He accepted with a chuckle. Before I went to the battlefield I took Alice back to the cave and left her with five wolves to protect Alice. 

We were in the forest he had thirty of his best warriors and ten of his best hunters I trained myself, he said I had no chance, that I was going to die here. I grinned and told him that he was the one who was going to die here for everything he had done. He said let's begin and he sent his men charging at me. I pulled out an arrow and placed it on the bowstring of my bow and readied to shoot, but I didn't aim at his men. I shot the arrow behind me just as I had planned. The king laughed and said that's it, that's your plan, you are a fool. I just stood there grinning, then when his men were close enough to me that's when it happened. My army, an army of wolves led by Major pounced off of the small cliff above me and landed on his men, biting and clawing his men leaving me a path to the king who looked scared and I heard him yelling "HOW". I started walking towards him with my blades at the ready. He grabbed his spear headed metal staff and walked towards me. Then we both started running towards each other with anger. We exchanged blows, the clanging of metal meeting metal. We both got good hits and blows to each other. But then that's when he cheated. He grabbed dirt from the ground and threw it in my eyes. I was blinded, he swept his staff under my feet and I fell. He said, here we are, just like your mother and father, who to fought against me. You too will meet their fate then I will seek out that girl of yours and kill her to; you were always a disappointment. He raised his spear ready to end me. That's when it happened, Major pounced at the king growling, biting and clawing him. But the king was stronger and using his spear pushed Major off and threw him against a tree. He got up and while Major was down and whining in pain, he stabbed Major, all I heard was a high pitched yelp then Major was gone. Rage filled my body and then that's when I did it. I got up and yelling "NOOOOOO" I ran at the king and adrenaline kicked in because the king seemed weaker this time. I smashed his staff out of his hand and with both blades impaled him in the chest. I then pulled them out swiftly and watched him fall. I had gotten vengeance for my parents and Major. I won and in doing so became king.

I explained to the council how the king had deceived them and how he killed my parents. I became king and the first thing I did was put an end to this stupid hunt. I later on married Alice and she became Queen and we both buried Major. The village was now free from the treachery of the old laws and was now in perfect order. We were all happy, which was something no one had felt in a long time. 

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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