Chapter 1

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My name is Devana, Devana Hunter and I work at a school for the criminally insane. Brave you may think but I have my reasons to work  at the Forest Lake Institute as a music and ICT teacher, a woman of many talents as well as my night time activity.

The halls were empty at 6 in the morning, as I strutted down towards my classroom where I needed to set up for the day as today was my favourite group of students, when I say students I don't mean children, these students range from 16 to 25.

After the set up of the computers was done I sat at my desk scanning my emails to find that I have one from my boss. I clicked to open it and looked at its contents.

"Dear Miss Hunter

Today you will be having a new student in your class. His name is Jerome Valeska, he has been let out of Arkham to study here and change his ways. This boy isn't as simple as that, he calls himself the Joker, we have trusted you with him as you have the ability to control him.

Good luck.

Principal Bane"

I closed my emails after reading a few more and made my way down to the staff room to grave myself a nice warm cup of coffee. As I pushed the creaky door open the murmurs from inside stopped as their faces turned to my direction. "Devana, what happened to your face?" Professor Nyte stuttered as the shock on his face became more evident.

"Oh nothing, I fell over last night and hit my nose which caused the black eyes, as you know a hit to the nose does that" I replied as I continued my journey to the coffee machine. "Would you like me to check it for you?" Doctor Griffin asked from beside me as she drank her tea. "I think I will be fine Tabitha" I said with a smile and continued to make my coffee.

I stayed in the staff room chatting to my fellow colleagues about the new student they have all heard about and more questions about my face, someone even covered the bruises on my face for me before my class started. I made myself another cup of coffee and walked back down the halls to my class.

It wasn't long after I entered did my students walk in one by one, most were talking about the new student and others were discussing what they had done the past night. They had all taken their seats when the last student walked in, his ginger hair slicked back, his clothes fitted him perfectly and his smile...a smile that showed evil, pure evil.

"I am going to assume that you are Jerome Valeska and you are five minutes late to my class. So I will be seeing you after now take your seat!" I glared at this boy, no man who stood before me. "Miss Hunter, I can't wait" his smile appeared wider and more evil as he stared at me whilst walking to the empty seat at the back of the class.

"So class today we won't be using computers, we will be having a class discussion on how we can respect each other and how to get along with each other. I want everyone to pick a partner who they wouldn't usually talk to and get to know them." I sat down at my desk as I watched my students all pick a partner , however one student didn't get one and was still sat at the back of the room.

"I see no one wants to pair up with the new guy so I guess this needs to be sorted" I pushed myself out of my seat and walked over to him. "Mr Valeska, it seems as though you don't have a great reputation around you. In a class full of insane people I can only assume you are one step further than them."

His hand shot to my jaw and grabbed my cheeks tightly "you don't know nothing about me Devana, but I've heard a lot about you." He let go after he had finished and the look on his face made it believable. "So Jerome, tell me a little about yourself, why are you here?" I ignored his comment and tried to get to know this young man.

"To see the famous Devana of course, to recruit some of these lovely people to help me take over Gotham and join the maniax " he chuckled like a mad man as he finished speaking. I just rolled my eyes and headed back to my desk to supervise the rest of the class.

It wasn't too long until the bell rang to signal the end of class and I have never seen my students leave so quick in my few years of working here. I turned my attention to the bright haired man at the back of my class who stood up, moving towards the classroom door. Before I could react he had locked it and was now standing in front of my desk combing his hair.

"Even all of that make up can't hide what you done past night" he walked around to behind my chair and placed his hands on my shoulders "but then again no one can take the memory I have of you out of my head, that outfit you wore the first time I met you...the first time you tried to take me down."

He spun my chair around and licked his lips before he started to speak again "You will never be able to take me down Devana, I knew it was you the moment I walked into this class, the famous criminal hunter. So before you get ahead of yourself thinking you can take me down I'm going to give you this gift and soon enough you will be falling."

He leant down to my level and his lips pressed against mine, his hands holding mine to the chair I was in and I actually enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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