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Hope, I think is a wonderful thing. And when people say they can't find hope in this hopeless world, I feel nothing but pity for them.

Because I, very, very strongly believe that if you look around, hope is everywhere.

I find hope in the first rays of sunlight that makes its way through the little crack in my window every morning.

I find hope in the animals who are beaten, terrified and yet, struggle everyday to feed themselves and live.

Hope is in the pitch-black darkness that is lit by the presence of stars and moons; the simplicity of the beauty being absolutely breathtaking.

Hope is in the refugees who were forced to leave their own lands, and still refused to give up on their lives.

I find hope in the friendships that have lasted for very long, even after the difficulties and times of becoming too hard to bear with.

Hope is in the love-struck couple which has been married for 30 years, and still doesn't complain of getting bored of each other.

I find hope even in Pokemon Go, because for once, my newsfeed isn't filled with grimness of the world, the fear that constantly plagues everyone, but rather, the happiness and excitement of something as simple as grabbing a pokemon in a smartphone game.

Hope can be dangerous though.

It can make you yearn and wish and crave for something that might never happen; and then burn you down to ashes like the wild-fire that spares nothing.

So yes, it can be  dangerous also.

But, how can we complain, when it is one of the most beautiful thing in existence, too?

It helps us make it through life when nothing seems right.

It is the one thing that we hold on to for dear life when we have nothing left to clutch.

It is the reason we are able to stop and breathe when miseries of life suffocate us.

It lets us love when nothing but hatred crosses our way.

And most of all, it keeps us alive when death hovers too close.

Afterall, "If you keep hope alive; it will keep you alive."

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