Chaper 1

36 2 1

I took one last breath. Gun to my head, I was preparing for the blow.

"Take your best shot!" I hissed at his broad shoulders. I couldnt see his face. Was he really who I thought he was? I must be wrong.


"I plan too." Those words filled the silent night air.

My eyes stung as they overflooded with salty tears.

Thoughts buzzed through my head like a swarm of angry hornets! Whatever happened to our friendship? We had always had each others back, and now he wanted to kill me? Memories of playing castle when we were younger. They all seemed like nothing now! Castle was our own special imaginary game when we were in kindergarten. I was always the princess and he was the knight in shining armor. Together united we would travel to exotic locations and fight off evil kings, dragons, wizards and sometimes giant frogs! Even in primary school we would always eat under the thin apple tree and pretend it was a wise, magical, old oak guarded by elves and fairys! Yes, it all seems crazy nowdays but back then they were some of the most memorible days ever. But as we both started high school, we drifted apart and thats when I finally relized that we had entirely different intrests. When I signed up for the poetry club, he became the quaterback for the school rugby team. I signed up for the school choir, he was selected for the school swim team! Yeah, thats how diffrent we were too each other. On weekends I would sit at my laptop and write love poems while of course he was throwing parties!

I spot his finger on the trigger.

My hearts pounding on my chest despret not to go!


I wake up in my bed drenched in sweat and screaming! I look around franticlly, searching for evidence that it was all true. My bedroom door is kicked open and mum and dad are there in there pjs. My dad is only in his white singlet and boxers, holding a baseball bat! Mums in her pink robe I gave her for christmas and her hair is in pink rollers, she is as pale as a ghost!

"Sorry mum and dad, it was just a nightmare."

"Another one!" Mum replies and she sounds genuinly shocked. "Thats the forth night in a row!"

I notice she has dark circles under her eyes but thats what happens when you have a daughter who cant have a peacefull nights rest! Like me.

"Yes, sorry for waking you but you can get back to sleep now. Goodnight."

Both mum and dad walk over a gently kiss me on the forehead and tiptoe over to the exit as to not wake my little pain of a brother!

"Sleeptight." They hush and close the door behind them.

I dont go back to sleep though! I lie awake and watch the street lights flicker outside my stained window.

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