1 - Klance

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End of season 3 after Shiro comes back they go on another mission to try and defeat one of Lotors troups. They fail because of a technical error in the red lion and Keith blames it on Lance.

As shiro helped the minorly injured lance out of his new red lion, Keith stormed past them, taking his helmet off and tossing it to the floor beside him. His action called the attention of the other 4 paladins and the 2 Alteans that were in the room. Hunk decided to chime in from across the room.

"Keith buddy... We'll get them next time."

Keith snapped his body around and faced Hunks direnction. "No. I dont want to get them 'next time'.We should have got to them this time! What if there is no next time!? "

Shiros voice rung from behind Keith, causing him to face that direction once again. "Keith. You're overblowing this."

"No I'm not! Every mistake that happened durring this mission could have been easily avoidable if Lance hadn't screwed it all up!" Keith's gaze was instantly focussed onto Lance, who sunk down at the mention of his name.

Shiro spoke again, this time his voice was stern. "Keith, you do not need to be letting your anger out on Lance. I think we should all just get some rest, this was a stressful mission and I think we all deserve some time to simmer down."

Shiro sent a quick glance to the two worried paladins as a signal that they could go. Hunk and Pidge quickly made it past the three and went to their rooms. Shiro rubbed his temples with his index fingers and walked away as well, while Allura and Coran made it to their quarters. Now it was just Keith and Lance.

Keith let put a frustrated groan and shoved past lance to go to his room, but stopped when he heard the paladin let out a small sob. He turned around to face the back of him.

"Lance..." he walked over to lance and hesitantly placed a hand on his shoulder.

Lance shook the paladins hand off of him and brought a hand up to his eyes, wiping away the stray tears that somehow managed to slip from Lances sad blue eyes. He still didnt face Keith, but began to talk.

"I...I'm sorry.... I screwed it all up..."

Keith winced as he heard the boys voice crack.

"Lance... I didn't mean that, im just stressed.. I was letting out my frusteration on you. That wasnt okay."

Lance turned finally, facing Keith. Keith felt a hurt go through his chest when he saw the sadness lingering in Lances face. This is the 3rd time he's said something like that to Lance since theyve known eachother. He doesnt mean to, and everytime it happens he feels awful for days.

"But it's true. Youre right, i messed it up..."

His eyes drifted down to the floor, but they were brought back up when Lance saw Keith coming closer, and before he had time to react, Lance was trapped in a hug. The tall boy froze for a moment before sinking into the touch, wrapping his arms around Keith's waist. This was the first time Keith had given him a real hug. Usually, Lance would go to Hunk after these kinds of things but... This was nice. He felt safe.

A few moments passed by before Keith finally pulled away, his gaze awkwardly shifti g to the side.

Lance wiped his eyes and gave Keith a small hint of a smile.

"Thank you, Keith..."

Keith looked back up at Lance and nodded, giving him a small smile as well.

Keiths smile slowly faded as he looked down. He still felt bad. He didnt want to keep hurting his team mates like this. He was ripped from his thoughts when he felt lances fingers lace through his own. He looked up at Lance, who gave him a small smile.

"Don't worry, I forgive you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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