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                                  ****SHY CARSON****

It all began on a Monday night, how cliche right?

Twelve pm at night, here I am, a lone sixteen year old girl walking down one of the most dangerous streets in the world. Alone. With no weapon what-so-ever to defend myself.

Why? you might ask,
Well, you see. My 'dearest' and 'most loving' aunt Tilly woke me up in the middle of the night and threw me out of her house.

Why? you might ask,
Because her dearest newest twenty year old younger than her boyfriends decided to come and leave with her because his parents threw him out of their for dating an old lady. A totally fake story right?

That's why sweet young me is walking down Criminal Street all alone.

I am really lucky, I haven't seen anyone, no one at all since I turned down this particularly scary street.

Oh well, would you look at that, looks like me not seeing anyone is about to change because no less than fifty metres from here was a shaggy looking guy. From head to toe he was dressed in very very dirty clothes, a brown ripped (not in a fashionable way) coat, an even dirtier ripped jean with the dirtiest black glove I have seen.

My heart picked up a couple of paces and my knees began to buckle not being able to carry my weight any longer because of the fear that  welled up inside of me. 

Stop it Shy! He is just a ugly man looking at you suspiciously with a cigarette in his mouth and murder in his eyes. What could he possibly do?

Quite a lot when you think about Shy.

Twenty yards away. What to do? What to do?

Nothing, really brain you decide to desert me when I need you the most. Yet you are one of the most important organ in the human body. Stupid brain!
Ten yards

Five yards

Four yards

Three yards

Two yards

One yard

And we have contact!

I waltz past him in a swift graceful manner. Even a couple of feet away I can still feel his hardcore icy cold brown eyes on me and even smell his unhealthy stinky breathe.

Then suddenly loud heavy footsteps were heard behind me. They were getting closer, louder and faster. They no doubt came from evil  man. The closer they got the faster I walked. Pretty soon I was walking, then running, then sprinting.

I was running so fast but unfortunately I wasn't fast enough, evil man was getting closer and closer even more closer.

Oh how I wish I had a vampire's speed.

Very soon, too soon because the evil man was still hot on my trail. I began  to feel tired, my breathe was coming in unnaturally fast paces and my feet throbbed like nobody's business.

No, you cant quit now.

Left in front of right, right in front of left again and again and again.
Five seconds later, evil man had me pressed upon a thick cold graffiti covered  wall. Hard cold rough fingers caress my face and I draw a quick breath.

"You are even more beautiful up close," evil man praises with a wide toothless definitely not fresh smile to top it up.

Oh dear, save me God!

What was I thinking going  down this street anyways? For God's sake Shy the street is probably named Criminal Street for a reason. A very valid reason.

A single finger from evil man's hands caresses my face once more sending shivers of fear down my back.
My heart starts hammering  and pounding on my chest. Pounding a million times faster than before. Why is this happening to me?

"I haven't had fun fun in a long time you know,"

Gee, I wonder why?

Instinctively, I bring my hands up and push him with all the strength I have. It isn't much too say the least, I mean the guy doesn't even move the fraction of an inch away. That is not good in the least.

A low blow in the stomach knocks the wind out of me. Literally! I stumble back onto the graffiti wall as the unbearable pain spreads through my whole body.

Black coal-coloured spots take over my sight. A billion elephants start dancing around in my head seemingly hosting a party in my dear sweet head. If I thought I had been having troubles breathing before it was nothing compared to now. The black spots start piling up until I cant see any more.



Thank you for reading ! You have no idea what it means to dear young me.

To rule some things out!

1) I am thirteen years of age, meaning some of my posts are gonna be late and/or short.

2) Please feel free to ask, comment, share and vote!

3)I wont have a lot to say but if you do please feel free ( good or bad)

4) Please do not copy and well,  I am sure you know the rest...


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