fallin' for you

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They're having lunch at their favorite place. It's a thing they do every Wednesday between classes, just the five of them. Ally, Dinah, Normani, Lauren and Camila – they're the closest of friends. 

And since it's been rare for Lauren to see the rest of the gang like this lately, she's enjoying their weekly get together more than anything.

Today, it's beautiful out. The sun is shining, birds are chirping (although you can't exactly hear that inside of the busy diner), and – she looks around – everyone's wearing a smile on their faces.

So, yeah, all in all, Lauren couldn't be in a better mood.

Songs are being blasted from the diner's speakers, and the five friends have kind of been jamming along. Right now, All In My Head by Fifth Harmony is on, and they're all grinning because, well, they always get told that they look a little like the five band members.

"Y'all, why do their songs always come on when we're in public? It's like the universe is trying to tell us something," Dinah says. Laughs.

"I know, right? But honestly, us being the ones to get famous? I couldn't imagine," Normani adds after a second of thinking.

"True. I've always thought the music biz really sucks. Dinah here doesn't know how to behave, Ally is too good, and Camila can't walk two steps without knocking something over. You, Normani, are the only one I could see in that way," Lauren considers in response to Normani's words. The statement gets her funny looks from Ally and Camila, and Dinah slaps her.

Normani, in the meanwhile, utters a quiet, "Thanks, I guess."

"She's right, though," Camila says after a while. She's been busy eating her pancakes, but, now sends Lauren a look that, for whatever reason, makes the girl's knees weak. 

(...she's sitting, though. So no reason to panic.)

"Yeah, unfortunately," Dinah says with another loud laugh.

The last verses are sung, and then the song changes. Dinah and Normani instantly start fake-crying because their song is over, and Ally just goes back to eating.

Lauren notices Camila still smiling at her, and she blushes because, hey, Camila is beaming at her and it's honestly the best thing ever when Camila's happy. She smiles back at her, cheeks flushed and all. Then, she focuses on the lyrics of the song whose melody currently fills the diner.

I don't know

But I think I may be fallin' for you

Dropping so quickly

Maybe I should keep this to myself

It hits her.

It's so random.

But it hits her.

With the way Camila is looking at her, and the way the sun makes her eyes, her smile, her everything seem even brighter–

...they hit her.

The lyrics.

She hasn't given any thought to it, really. To the spark there is when she accidentally touches Camila's hand. Her arms. Her leg. To how she feels when Camila laughs that incredibly beautiful laugh of hers. To how her heart beats faster every time her eyes linger on parts of Camila's skin.

It's there. It's been there for a while.

I am trying not to tell you

But I want to

fallin' for you | camren auWhere stories live. Discover now