Is it real

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This is my first story so I hope you like it.

Chapter 1 -The first day-

My name is oyah. I live in japan. I was born in the United States brought into japan. My ma and dad went to the United States for a trip and they found me on the streets of New York.

   "Oyah. Oyah. Get up your going to be late for your first day." That was the voice of my mom. She always wakes me up.

   "Hey what are we having for break............(screams) uuuuuugggggghhhhhh I am going to kill you yuni." That was my little brother messing with me. He hid behind the door and pushed it in my face. Uuuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhh I am going to kill him.

   "Hey you two stop the hasle and come to the dinner table." Me and my brother raced to the table but of course I won."Hey am I going to the acedemy today."

"We all hope so."she said with a giggle. I love her laugh.

"Hey where is dad." as soon as I said that he walked in.

"There is our baby girl." he said hugging me. In my head I was thinking that I am to old for this old man but of course I did'nt say that. I would be in soooo much trouble if I did say that though.

"I should get going. Bye my family."

Oh my uniform is like yellow and white with a brown bow(just like the one in the picture). So when I got there. This girl ran into me. I hate when people do that and they never say sorry. But she is different than other people so I guess I can be nice.

"Oh my god, I am so very sorry." she said with worry in her eyes

"Its ok. I am fine." I said getting off the ground

"Hey yia." Than I saw him. Oh my god he is adorable.

"Hey inu." She said waving to a really tall guy.About 5'11 ish.

He had dark black hair that went over his face. It was really sexy.

"This is......" she said pointing to me.

"Oyah." I said shaking in fustration.

"Wow that is a beautiful name." He said with a smirk

Oh my god he is sooooo hot.

"Ummm this is Inu. He is the oldest and the only one not dating someone at this point. At lunch you should sit by us. What do you think Inu?"

"Of course she should. She has no friends so ya she should." he said walking away. God he sounds like he is a really big a$$hole I said in my head but he is cute.

Chapter 2 -Later that day-

I just got done with first hour which was english. Now I go to gym. Yay I am so happy. My favorite hour. When I got there Inu was there so was Yia. Yay I ain't alone. But she was talking to for other people than one of them disappeared with out moving. I got really scared so I just walked away and went into the girls locker room. When I got in there I found my locker and opened it and took my clothes out of my locker and went to go change. I was the last person to change so I hurried up and when I was done I saw a little girl standing there at the door so I just ignored her and went to my locker to put my clothes in and when I looked back she was'nt there so I thought she went out so I turned back around and she was standing right in front of me.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" I screamed running out the door.

"Yashy" I heard Yia say from down the hall than I heard a little laugh behind me. "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" The little girl was laughing at me.

"Stop laughing at me it's not funny." I said sitting on the ground beginning to cry.

"Please stop crying. I am sorry. I swear." She said backing away. I need to get outside I thought. So I ran to the closest doors and when I got outside I felt free like a bird in the air. Than I heard everyone following me so I turned a round and I saw Inu, Yia, and there was that little girl, a little boy he had brown hair. It was short. There was another boy who looked about my hight. He had white blond hair. It was like Inu's but white blond they looked like could be brothers. Than there was a girl the hight of me. She had dirty blond hair. It was down to her hips. It looked beautiful unlike me.

"Yashy. Get over here. Right now." Yia said with a really mad expression on her face. I just stood there with a red face looking at everyone including Yia. But I was really looking at Inu the most.

Than everyone looked me. I just staired so Yia walked over to me and said in my ear 'say your name and they will tell you theres'

"My name is Oyah." I said waiting for a reply.

The girl with dirty blonde hair stood forward. " My name is yuma." Than she stepped backward.

Then the boy with white blond hair stood forward. " My name is Asiky." he said stepping backwords.

Than the little boy stepped forwards. " My name is yako." he said

Than the little girl who laughed at me stepped forwards. " My name is Yashy."

"Nice to meet you all. I hope we can all be great friends." I said smiling.

Chapter 3 -Lunch-

When I walked into the cafeteria I saw Yia, Inu, Yashy, Asiky, Yuma, Yako. So I walked to the table they were sitting at. "Hey guys look whose here." I heard Yashy say. "That's not nice." I said sitting next to Inu. "Ummmmmm Inu can I talk to later." said Yuma. I thought she was dating Asiky. Cause when she said that she grabbed Inu's hand. "Aaaaaaaaaagggggggghhhhhh." I spaced out after that. I was looking at Inu. After awhile I think he noticed cause he said "What."  he said looking at me with a weird look. "its just that........ your really cute." I said. I hope my cheeks don't stand out right now. I really don't need that at this second.

"I know I am." he said pushing his hair out of his face. He would say that. "Wait you like me." he said shocked. I would emitt it but he deosnt seem like the type who date me.

"Do like me?" I want to know the answer so I asked him.

"Ummmmmmm........... yes. You are the most beautiful women I have ever met in my life." Oh my god he likes me. -coughs- I knew that. What are you talking about. What am I talking about. I don't know any more.

"Well I like you." I had to get that off my chest. I really do like him I think. Well I am not sure if I do. "later can I talk to you Oyah." said Inu. well I guess he could. I have to ask my mom and ya he could. "Sure." I replied back.

Chapter 4 -end of day-

"Inu. You wanted to talk." he just looked at me with a blank face. He deosnt remember does he? Well he needs to remember cause I am starting to get irretated or unless it wasn't him or any of them. I doubt it. I need to find Yia so I can ask why I am here. I really don't know why.

"Yia. Why am I here?" she just cleared her throat and coughed a little than walked away. Wow I thought she was nicer than that but maybe that question was a little to harsh. "Yia. come back. I didn't mean to be mean I I I thought it was ok to say." She turned around and set her jaw. "I know you didn't mean to. I just thought you knew." she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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