Chapter 1- Just an Average Day

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My eyes blink open to a shine of light. I yawn and look around. The dirty allyway I've been sleeping in is covered in rainwater. I stretch out and touch the top of my new one I think to myself before crawling out. The musty smell of rain fills my nostils and makes it difficult to breathe. I place my hoof on my scooter and suddenly my stomach rumbles. I hold it.
"Well...I guess I havent eaten at
Pinkie's in about a week" I mumble to myself before flapping my wings and riding out of the ally. I make an immediate right and suddenly I am greeted with a pink, curly mane and blue eyes. Pinkie Pie wraps her arms around me.
"How are you doing Scoots?" She asks. I shrug. "Do you want something to eat?" She smiles widely. I look down.
"Yeah could I?" I ask softly. She puts her hoof on my face.
"I told you, you can eat here anytime. My treat" she gives me a radient smile. I look back down.
"I just feel bad.." I start to say before she slaps a hoof over my mouth.
"Not another word. Come inside" She pulls me into Sugar Cube Corner and sits me down. The Cakes come out of the back and rush past Pinkie. Mrs. Cake seems to have some sort of treat with her.
"You sre you can watch the store for a whole month while we are gone?" She asks. Pinkie nods and smiles. Mrs. Cake turns around and motices me.
"Well hey there Scootaloo. You getting breakfast before school again?" She asks. I nod and smile politely.
"Sugar. We have to get going if we are gonna make it to Phillydelphia on time" Mr. Cake says. She turns around to him.
"Im coming Im coming. Bye Pinkie! Take care!" She shouts as the couple trots out together. Pinkie waves at them from the door then turns to me.
"Okay. What would you like?" She asks. I look at the case of treats.
"Just a muffin is fine" I say softly. She shakes her head.
"Ill go make you some eggs and get you some juice" she walks back into the kitchen. I sigh and look at the time. 5:43. The clock ticks slowly. An hour before school. I sigh and look around the empty shop. The lights are dimmed and the closed sign is up. Yet Im still here. Pinkie comes out a few minutes later with a glass of orange juice and a plate with eggs and muffin on it. I smile and thank her before eating.
"Wow Pinkie this is really good!" I admire. She blushes.
"When was the last time you ate?" She asks. I stop and think for a moment.
"Yesterday morning I had an apple I picked off a tree" I mumble. She sighs.
"Scootaloo please just come stay with me. You'll have a shelter, food and maybe a job. Please" I stop eating.
"No Pinkie. I cant do that. Im sorry but I wont put you or the Cakes through that" I finish off the muffin and down the orange juice. Pinkie sighs and hands me a bag.
"At least take this" I look inside and in it is a blanket and pillow. I smile and take it. "Also I noticed it rained last night. Is your box okay?" She asks softly.
"Yeah its fine" I mumble. She sits down. I look at the clock. 6:15.
"Scootaloo-" I cut her off.
"Shouldn't you open up now? Its past 6." She looks at the clock and sighs before going to the door and unlocking it and changing the sign from 'closed' to 'open'.
Over the next few minutes, ponies trickle in the shop and Pinkie helps each of them. Then I see my two best friends bounding up.
"Hey Scootaloo!" Sweetie Bell chimes in. Apple Bloom smiles and hugs me.
"Hey guys. Whats up?" I smile.
"Where's your mom?" Apple Bloom asks.
"At work" I reply bluntly. I stand up and lead them to the door. "Come on lets get to school. Bye Pinkie Pie!" I look back at the pink pony who had been taking care of me ever since my parents died. She has sadness in her eyes as she waves goodbye. I turn around and hop on my scooter. Just a normal day...

**Hey guys. Im thinking about changing my name. Idk what itll be yet but whatever. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. This story will over lap with the other one im writing so stay tuned**

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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