Naruto: the Lost Tale of Kouya Namikaze

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        "Those who break the rules are scum but, thoses who abandon their friends are even worse that scum." No words have ever effected me like those words, they stated my resons for my actions before I even knew myself. In my life I have lived for my the people of my home, my 'friends', my fallen comerades while I mourn them dead, I refuse to cry and to this day I have never shed a tear. Many have seen my strength in both will and in combat, yet I have never once been asked how i became as i am or why i act as i do and  i used to believe no one ever would ... But I was wrong. This is the story of a traitor, a traitor who wants to protect a hero, a hero whom i hold dear, a hero who is my brother, Naruto Uzumaki, I am that traitor and my name is Kouya Namikaze.

A.N. If I owned Naruto would i be sitting here writing this?

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