Chapter 1

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I jumped off my desk as my alarm blared on of the songs I had randomly put on my iPod. My face hurt from sleeping on my computer and my back from the odd angle I was sitting in. Getting up, I walked to my radio and stopped the music with a big yawn. Although glad I was able to get a couple hours of sleep, it was almost 3 by the time I nodded off. I fell into my normal routine of getting ready in the morning the skipped down the stairs for breakfast. My mother was already in the kitchen making my sandwich for lunch as I slid into the room, my dad was still asleep.

"Morning Sweetie!" My mother said, "how did you sleep?" She seemed unusually happy today.

"Fine, I guess." No use in ruining her mood by telling her I hadn't slept. I grabbed a slice of bread and popped it in the toaster. Grabbing a plate and the rest of my breakfast, I sat at the table just as my mum set my lunch by the door.

The thing I love about my mom was that even though she doesn't work she still wakes up every morning to make my lunch. She said it was because I was her last child and she didn't want me to miss out on "Mom time" as she called it. Not to be mean, but I don't really care if we have it or not. I've never really agreed with my mom on much. That's why I never go shopping with her. She thinks all the clothes I like are too short, too provocative or too suggestive. But I make her happy and wear what she buys. Today I have my navy Tomboy half-shirt, with a tank top underneath for my mother, skinny jeans and my worn, black Converse. I really love half-shirts and 'shlump' shirts but my mom only ever lets me wear them with a  tank top, even in summer. I guess part of it is that she is quite religious. I am too but not as much as her.

Finishing breakfast late, I grabbed my lunch and backpack and ran out the door. It was a seven minute walk to my bus stop and I hoped I wouldn't miss it. Being a geek like me made it hard to force myself to run as I saw the bus coming behind me. I barley made it to the stop as the last person got on before me. I found an empty seat and started listening to my iPod, hoping to drown out the noise around me. As the bus pulled up to school I could see the group of kids outside that are the reason school is insufferable. The graduating class.

I had been going to this school for 2 years and of all the times they had made fun of me, none of them remembered my name. The main "Queen Bee" of the group was Ella Knight. She's your typical High School witch and from what I could tell got anything she wanted since her dad was the principle. She and her group were always making the younger classes miserable, apparently since their freshman year. I've never really met any of the Premier, which is what they were called.

As I walked past them I hoped they wouldn't notice me. Today was not the day I wanted to get made fun of, as I had an English paper to write. Thankfully, they were too busy paying attention to what Ella was telling them. I went straight to my locker, pushing through the crowd of people that was already clogging the hallway even though classes didn't start for half an hour. I wasn't paying attention as I rummaged through my locker when someone tickled my waist, making my squeal and jump around. Standing behind me laughing was my friend Melissa. Her chestnut hair was shorter than before the weekend and she was wearing a dress with that British boy band One Direction, whom she was obsessed with.

"OMG guess what!" Mel exclaimed. How could she be so happy on a Monday morning?

"Harry Styles shaved his head and Niall Horan rode a unicorn!" I replied sarcastically.  The thing about Mel was that I didn't like her very much but I felt badd for her. Mainly because of her disturbing 1D obsession but also because most of the guys she likes are gay and she doesn't know. Mel gasped at my remark, "OMG could you imagine if that actually happened? Losing the chance to touch Harry's hair and never getting a date with Niall to Nandos would be a catastrophe! I would cry if that ever happened!" She looked utterly devastated at that. I hope I never have an obsession like that. I cleared my throat causing her to come you of her fangirl coma. "Anyway! Guess what!"

"You already said that," I said. "Just tell me already!" I'm terrible at guessing.

"There's a new girl in the grad class! I hope she doesn't join the Premiers." A new girl? I can't remember the last time there was someone new in the middle of the year.

"I'll ask Julie about her and see what she knows," I told her. She said ok and wandered off. That's the thing about me and Mel. Because we were the only ones in our class who were here this early, I couldn't avoid her. But hey, that's life. I gathered my stuff, closed my locker and set off in search of Julie, my one friend from the graduating class.


Now I assume you're a but confused about my school so I'll explain. Firstly, just like every other high school there is your typical hierarchy by year: the higher the year the higher the respect, aka 'domination'. The strange part about my school is that there are 13 years of school, so 5 years of high school. We have the normal Freshman to Senior and the 13th year is called the graduating class.

My school was divided into 6 sections: A-D and I, which was just divided by what subject each section focused on, I being a collaboration of all of them. Mel, Julie, the Premiers and I are all in the I section.  Mel and I are in year 11 along with my best friend Leslie.

As I was walking around looking for Julie, I saw Louise with her boyfriend. They were so cute together and had been labeled couple of the year. I wasn't going to bother them but I was incredibly curious about the new girl and I knew Julie would know about her.

"Heya!" I said as I walked towards them. They turned and looked at me and Lpuiae smiled.

"Hi! What's up? Did you hear about the new girl in the grad class?" Louise said as she hugged me. As excited as I was, I was getting tired of people asking me if I had heard about her. 

"Yeah, Mel told me," I said. "Hey have you seen Julie? I can't find her anywhere. " I looked around as I said it. 

"No I haven't but check if she is in the Senior room." I could tell that Louise didn't really want me around anymore so I said goodbye and headed to the Senior room, which was on the first floor, two floors down. 

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