we were never just friends

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It began as simple as friendships always start. Except this time they were both young and stupidly unaware that they were falling in love.

---- 3rd Grade ----------------

It was the beginning of the third grade, and Lauren was making her daily patrol through the crowded halls of classmates. She walked with confidence while trying to hide the fact that her work vest was two sizes too big.

It was only until Lauren heard someone scream that she gave up on vest adjustments and looked in the direction of the noise. What she saw was a small girl about her age being pulled at the hair by one boy while another was stealing all the valuable things in her backpack.

Lauren immediately took action, harshly shoving the boy back who was rummaging through the pink and yellow backpack. She then yanked the other boy's arms back so he was no longer holding back the girl before she fell to the floor.

"Get out of here before I tell the principal and you both get put in jail!" she yelled at the two boys standing next to each other, now a little frightened. Lauren watched as they both ran away after she took one step closer. 

A small whimper from behind her was the thing that brought her attention back to the scene of the crime. She noticed the small, vulnerable girl was rubbing the part of her scalp around her disheveled ponytail.

"I'm sorry they're mean," Lauren said to the brunette. "Here, I'll help you up." She stretched her arm out for the other girl to grab ahold of.

The girl looked up at her with watering eyes and Lauren could sense that all she wanted to do was sit and cry. However, the girl still placed her hand over Lauren's and was lifted up face-to-face with her hero. Apparently heroes wear vests instead of capes now.

"Are you hurt? Did they hurt you? Because if they did, I have to tell a teacher so they can report it."

Camila didn't dare break apart their hands yet.

"No, I think I'm fine," Camila said in her wavering voice. "Why did you help me?" She was curious.

"Oh! I'm a police officer for this hallway, so it's my duty," Lauren said eagerly with a smile on her face and directed her attention to a pin on her shirt that read 'HAL MONITER' in sloppy letters. Camila giggled and immediately pointed out to Lauren that she spelled 'hall' wrong. Neither aware that 'monitor' was also spelled incorrectly.

"Oops, I do that a lot. Spelling is really hard." Lauren's cheeks turned pink out of embarrassment. "So what's your name?" Lauren said while taking her hand away from Camila's and picking up the backpack on the floor before zipping it up ad handing it to the other girl.

"Thank you. My name is Camila."

"I like that name. I wish I had a cool name like that, mine is so boring."

"What is your name?"

"Lauren," she mumbled.

"You know, you shouldn't be mad at your name. I can't even spell mine."

"So I guess we both spell badly then."

Camila giggled again and it made Lauren feel weird. A weird she had never felt before, but she already didn't like the feeling because it made it harder to meet Camila's eyes and she felt like she wanted to say something but she didn't know what without embarrassing herself. Luckily, she didn't have to say anything before Camila spoke up.

"So does this mean you can walk me to my next class? It's just at the end of the hallway."

Lauren smiled boldly because this was her excuse to keep talking with this other girl.

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