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his hands tremble as he shakily pushes the note into finn's locker. his premature heart beats with nervousness, sighing as the note fluttered to the bottom of the locker, out of jack's sight.

the shorter smiles with satisfaction as he clenches his fist in a silent congratulation for himself, walking towards his next class with a growing warmness spreading throughout his stomach.

though, he didn't know why he was so excited when the note he pushed into finn's locker was an unoriginal poem, but he only gave it to finn because of the reference to the movie they were filming at the time.

❝ your hair is winter fire

january embers

my heart burns there, too. ❞


jack sat with the kids he spent a few months with while filming it; wyatt, jaeden, sophia, jeremy, chosen. the only kid that remained missing was finn; which made jack less alert to what he was doing so he wouldn't look stupid around the older boy.

lunch was a time to reflect for him, as the chatter of students filled the silence of what used to be an empty cafeteria, the golden beams of sun shining down on jack's curly hair that almost covered his eyes at this point.

about this time, his freckles were prominent. they bloomed all over his face randomly, a thing many people would point out. he always hated them, up until finn poked the bridge of his nose and with that wide smile, said, "your freckles are adorable."

he smiles at the thought as the other kids at his table talked away, and notices wyatt and jaeden and their tiny hand touches out of the corner of his eye. it was obvious they had something going for them, which made jack a twinge jealous. 

the boy rest his cheek in his palm and let out a tiny sigh. then, he felt a shift in the seat and the clack of a school lunch tray next to him. he looks up and spots the familiar face that is finn, his face clouded by his curly, messy hair, a smile on his lips. "what's up, daddy finn?" he mocks. 

jack watches as finn reaches into his jean pocket and pulls out a note. he puts it on the lunch table for the rest of the kids to gawk at. sophia is first to pick it up and read it, "your hair is winter fire.."

and from there, jack's stomach drops. he gulps quietly as he watches sophia finish reading the cheesy poem and hand it back to finn, a fake smile on his face. "what's this for?" she asks, to which finn lets out a tiny chuckle.

"this was in my locker. sucks, the person couldn't come up with their own poem idea." finn shakes his head as he starts to eat the food from off his tray.

"why were you so late today?" asks wyatt, both his and jaeden's hands interlocked loosely on the table. jack rolls his eyes. jaeden raspberries him.

finn ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "i was stuck in math. i talked back to the teacher." he shrugged. jack didn't have to look up from his tray to see everyone rolling their eyes. "you're becoming so edgy, finn," chosen commented, to which finn scoffs. "fuck you, dude."

their conversation fades away slightly as jack's mind pounds with negative thoughts. he thought that putting that in his locker would be a good idea. why did he think that? why would he ever do that? couldn't he be original? him and finn were friends for christ sakes, why-

finn tapped his shoulder as the group stood up to the sound of the bell ringing. he smiles and springs up, wrapping an arm around finn's neck and hangs on him practically. "let's go, baby boy, don't wanna miss class!" he watched as the group walked away and felt his cheeks heat up as he walked back into the hallways with finn by his side, both of them with a smile on their faces.

somehow, he had to write another note towards finn that would impress him. he didn't know how, yet, but he knew he would be able to. somehow.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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