Guest Star Appearance: Part Three

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Hi readers. Just before this chapter starts I want to warn you all that there is a Trigger Warning as later in the chapter I discuss OLM and mention the Manchester Concert. I also just want to express my proudness of Ariana and this family for how much love and support we have shown Ari and each other since the attack and how strong Ari has been. She is an inspiration and I love her so much.
I love our Arianator family so much.💗
- S

Ari walks out on stage as the crowd goes wild, giving her a standing ovation whilst chanting her name. Ari smiles and blows a kiss at the audience and gives Jimmy a hug. She bows to the audience and giggles before sitting down to face Jimmy as the cheering comes to an end. On Jimmy's desk three photographs of Ariana performing can be seen alongside the traditional Tonight show mugs.

Jimmy and Ari look at each other and begin to laugh for no reason. As Jimmy regains himself he turns to Ari and begins to speak to her about life and the DWT tour.

"So it's Great to have you back Ari!" Jimmy exclaims in excitement.

"Great to be back Jimmy!" Ari replies happily.

"So you've been touring, since the 3rd of February and now you only have 2 shows left! Wow I can't believe how fast time has gone by?!" Jimmy says.

"Me either!" Ari responds. "But oh my god has it been incredible, I've met so so so many of my baby loves who I adore with all my heart and I love beyond words. They're the cutest, they make me the happiest" Ari says smiling to herself.

"I can tell! I mean you've been so happy on this tour and your performances. Wow. Just WOW. You are incredible Ariana!" Jimmy says in a proud tone.

"Thank you Jimmy" Ari says with the biggest smile on her face.

"So right here I have some photographs , this first one which personally I love because look at you! You're such Dangerous Woman" Jimmy exclaims as he turns the photo around to show the audience and the camera.

"So right here I have some photographs , this first one which personally I love because look at you! You're such Dangerous Woman" Jimmy exclaims as he turns the photo around to show the audience and the camera

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Ariana chuckles at Jimmy's comment, "well I definitely feel like a Dangerous Woman when I perform!"

Jimmy shows the next photo of Ari performing but making a cute face and reaching out her arms towards the fans in the audience.

"So what's going on in this one?" Jimmy giggles a little as he asks Ari

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"So what's going on in this one?" Jimmy giggles a little as he asks Ari.

"Ohmygod no I was so sad!! I couldn't reach my fans, all I wanted to do was grab their cute little hands and sing with them!" Ari says whilst making a sad face.

Jimmy makes a cute little sad face back and the two begin to laugh at each other.

"Okay so this one was taken during One Love Manchester, the incredible benefit concert for the victims and the families from that horrendous night that took away 22 beautiful angels."

"We here at the Tonight Show just want to express our deepest sympathy to all who attended the concert in Manchester and to the families and friends of the angels taken from us, our hearts are forever with you all"

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"We here at the Tonight Show just want to express our deepest sympathy to all who attended the concert in Manchester and to the families and friends of the angels taken from us, our hearts are forever with you all".  Jimmy then proceeds to take Ari's hand in his.

" I can't begin to comprehend how difficult it's been for you but I think we all agree when I say this that you've shown so much strength and compassion and love since the attack and we couldn't be more proud."  The crowd stand up and applaud Ari as a tear rolls down her cheek.

" Thank you so much guys and to my baby loves for keeping me strong, supporting me continuously and loving me, I love y'all so much and you make me feel like the luckiest person in the world." Ari exclaims as she blows a kiss to her baby loves whilst looking into the camera.

Behind stage another person wipes away a tear from their face and whispers to themselves whilst watching Ari on camera. "That's my strong baby."

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