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Part 1

Masa on the way kmi blk rmh tu.. Sa tgk muka Rich mcm tidak puas hati bila dgr Wendy cakap tadi...
Smp ja rmh terus sa masuk and mo naik atas bilik tapi Rich tarik tangan sa bawa duduk di sofa... Pas tu Rich tanya sa...

Rich: Adik can u explain what Wendy talk just now?

Syl: About what abg?
Pura2 lagi ba sa tidak tau apa maksud Rich tanya tu...

Rich: she say " i know why u like this, i saw what u saw? Tell abg what is that and do not lie to me...

Air mata yg sa tahan2 td keluar bila dgr Rich tanya mcm tu.. Sambil menangis sa jawab Rich

Syl: I saw Dennis with Theodora abg... They were hugging and kissing.. Dennis bgtau adik yg dia blk kampung tp napa dia ada di sna td? Dennis tipu adik abg...

Rich: So why u dont tell abg adik?

Syl: Adik takut abg p tumbuk dia... Nti jd masalah lain lagi..

Rich diam and terus peluk sa, makin kuat lg sa menangis ni...
Rich ckp dgn sa

Rich: Adik enough dont cry coz of that stupid man, membazir ja air mata adik menangis😭😭😭😭..

Syl: But adik love him so much abg. Why he could do this to me? I hate that abg😭😭😭😭..
Abg can u promise me?

Rich: Promise about what adik?

Syl: Our relationship..

Rich: Ok but adik can u tell me detail what do u mean promise about our relationship?

Syl: can it be that our relationship is just as abg and adik forever? Coz i'm afraid of losing abg in my life... Can abg?

Rich: But if one day we do not realize that love comes adik?

Syl: That is why i am so scared abg and if we are not married we will hate each other.. I dont want that happen abg... Abg know I love abg so much kan...
Abg if forever and forever....
We could always be like this...
Laughing together..
Crying together...
How wonderful it would be...

Rich hanya menganggukkan kepala dan senyum hambar tanpa bersuara apa2


Sa nmpk sgt Anna kecewa dgn sikap Dennis...
Sa jg rasa sakit sgt dada sa bila melihat Anna menangis and i really dont like it to see Anna cry just because the Bastard...
Suddenly she wants me to make a relationship just as abg and adik forever.. That deal is very difficult for me to accept because without me realize i started falling in love with her...
Because i'm also afraid of losing her so i'm just asking for it...


Betul ka sa tidak akan ada perasaan cinta terhadap Rich selamanya? Dan seperti Rich katakan td macamana klu satu ari nti tiba2 perasaan cinta tu wujud dlm hati kami....
Sanggup ka sa terus memendam perasaan itu..
Sa btl2 tidak mau kehilangan dia... Dia lelaki pertama yg sa kenal yg sangat baik dan sepanjang hubungan kami sbg adik dan abg pun tidak pernah dia ambi kesempatan terhadap sa...
Dia sangat menyayangi dan menjaga sa... Biar pun kdg2 sa nakal pakai bju yg seksi utk menguji dia tp dia tetap kuat dgn menepis godaan...

#Wattpad Link:@ferrarichard
#Page Link: FERRA FR Borneo Writer

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