Im hurt

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Chapter Six : Im hurt

Katniss POV

"HEY EVERYBODY!!" and I get everybodys attention. Even Finnicks. But he slowly, ever so slowly, like really really slow, he starts walking away. "THERES THIS GUY I LOVE. AND HE PROTECTS ME VERY MUCH. AND SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED AND I THINK HE IS MAD AT ME. WHAT DO I DO?? SHOULD I TALK TO HIM??" Everybody nods yes and screams yes. I got Finnick attention and he is heading my way. I can hear people asking who. And Finnick gets up on the table and kisses me infront of everybody. And I mean everybody. Well except Gale.

But even Peeta sees me. And I can see the hurt in his eyes.

I seperate from Finnick and smile at him. He hugs me and I stand on my tippy toes and rest my head on his shoulders. I can see everybody leave and Peeta is at the door of the cafeteria. The bell rang and I am left with Finnick hugging me and Peeta at the door way. "I love you." he whipsers and I whisper back, "I love you too" Peeta just shakes his head and leaves. Finnick gets down from the table and offers me a hand to get down. I accept and we walk hand in hand to next period. He shows me his schedule and its says,

1st period : Music 2nd period : Art 3rd period : Free 4th period : Math/ Chemistry 5th period : History/ LA 6,7,8 : The Hunger Games

We have all of our classes together except 4 and 5 period. Mine is backwards. We get to art and there are 12 different tables with 2 people at each table. Finnick and I try to find a place for both of us but there isnt any. Theres one next to Peeta, on table 12, and one space next to this girl named Finch, on table 4. I can see Clove and Cato at table 2. But other then that, I dont know anyone else. I walk over to table 12 and Finnick walks to table 4. And I can see our teacher walk in.

"Hello. I will present myself for Ms. Everdeen. I am Ms. Wiress and I am the art teacher. Today your task is to create something abstract and share it with your partner. He or she has to give a thought about it. Remember abstract can be anything, words, flowers, clocks, or water. Whatever. Get to work!"

I can see Peeta starting to draw. I draw graffiti as abstract as I can and shove it on top of Peetas work. Its suppose to say, "Why are you mad at me?" I can see the anger in his face and he says, "You really dont know huh?" I give him a confused look and turn back to look at Finnick. He looks up from his drawing and gives me a cheeky smile. He is so adorable. I look at my working area and Peetas drawing has been placed there. I can see clearly that is says, "You have to remember. I **** you. " I can really see that last word. Is that word hate or love? Does he love me? Does he hate me? Why? He sees me and grabs my wrist and pulls me up. Im about to make a scene but I could wake up Ms. Wiress. I try to loosen Peetas grip but I fail and I catch Catos and Finniks eye. Cato stands up and take us outside to work things out. Luckly we didnt wake Ms. Wiress. Clove walks out as well and I know this is going to be caios.

We are in a circle starting with Cato, on Catos left is Peeta then Clove, then Finnick then me and back to Cato. There is a silence but Finnick breaks the silence.

"What were you doing with my girlfriend, Peeta?" "Oh so now she is yours huh??" I just look confused. Then Clove speaks, "First of all Congrats and wish you guys the best. We should all be congratulating them. Right Cato," he nods and quickly says,"Congrats" and Clove returns to her pep talk, "but why arent you Peeta?" "Yeah Peeta. Why arent you congratulating me and Katniss. I mean, I do love her." "Well that deal when we were little. Remember? You little f. . ." "Stop it both of you." Cato says to both of them and they stop arguing. Then Cato speaks up again. "How about your point of view Katniss?" I nod and start talking, "Well As you know Finnick and me are a thing so we walked to class hand in hand. I sat with Peeta and when we were working, I drew 'why are you mad at me?' he answered with, 'you really dont know huh?' So he drew his work and I read it and it said," I stopped talking and took out the drawing from my pocket. The one that said, Remember and you know the rest. I handed it to Clove but Finnick, who is next to her, snatches it away from her. He reads it and gets red of anger. Peeta who is already bruised on the cheek, steps two steps back to get away from Finnick.

Finnick shoves Cato to get him out of the way and Cato looses balance and stumbles and falls. Clove holds me back because it looks like Im about to get involved again. Finnick is right infront of Peeta and I elbow Clove, which of course I feel bad about but I have to save Peeta. Wait what?? I love Finnick. No Peeta. No Finnick. Ughh. I still have to save Peeta. He is like a brother to me. I stand in front of Peeta and Finnick freezes. He doesnt want to hurt me. I look into his eyes and they are green. Just not the green that Im used to.

Finnick POV

This dude is going to steal my Girlfriend. My face is already bruised from Gale so I might as well get more bruised and fight Peeta. I lounge at him but Katniss steps in. A tear escapes from her eye. I realize what I was about to do and I take a few steps back. I breathe a few times and step fowards to Katniss. Peeta is still behind her and I guess Cato is regaining vision. I wipe Katniss' tears with my thumb. "Dont touch her!!" Peeta screams but not loud enough for the inside of the classroom to hear. I ignore his comment and I hug Katniss. "Im so sorry. I love you so much." I say while she silently sobs on my shirt.

Katniss POV

I can see the green that i know, in his eyes. He wipes my tearswith his thumb and Peeta says something but I cant really hear because Im just too lost in Finnicks eyes. Finnick hugs me and apologizes to me. Im about to forgive but I can see Cato get up behind him and about to break me and Finnick. Clove is still rubbing the oart where I elbowed her. I feel so bad. Im trying to warn Finnick that Cato is about to lounge at Finnick but no words come out. Im burry my head into Finnicks chest and wait for Catos attack.

Finnick POV

She burried her face into mine and I cant keep away from wondering if this is a sign that she forgives me. But then I feel someone on my back and I loose balance. So I push Katniss towards Peeta because I know that no matter what, he will catch her. He does and Im relieved but now I have to deal with Cato. Clove comes and tries to break us apart. Cati pays attention to Clove and listens to her. Clove has been our witness and Cato gets off and apologizes.

I feel better now and turn around to talk to Kitty Kat but I turn around to see Peeta on top of Katniss, pinning her hand tothe side so she wont fight back. And I get hurt. Not because he is kissing her. I can always win Katniss back, she loves me and vise versa. I am hurt because she isnt fighting back. And kissing him back. . . .


A/N : Here comes Everlark!!! Man do I love Sam Claflin but I also love Everlark.

That awkward moment when you love Sam Claflin so much that you spell Finnick wrong!! );

Please comment and vote. Any mistakes?? Do you want anyipthing else to happen in the next chapter? Comment if you do. If you have questions comment or message me!! Im already writing, or typing, the next chapter!!!

-JackiieClaflin <3

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