Carpe Diem; Seize the Day [Complete]

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The new title is "Carpe Diem; Seize the Day". It's Latin :). I just want to say thanks to each and everyone of my fans!! I am a huuuuuuuuge procrastinator, as you all know, and most times it bites me in the ass. Though this time, it was not my fault! So, it is not fully editted yet, I kind of gave up on those people. However, I managed to fix it up a bit, and just sent it to a friend. So I hope you enjoy it! Not much has changed, just the ending and a few details here or there. I would love to hear all your final thoughts, so comment and messege me!!

Thanks for sticking through till the end..

xx. Alex

* = Italic (either dreams or letters)


"If I get raped and come home pregnant it will be your entire faults!" Serafina yells at her parents just as the door to the plane closes for take off.

Let me tell you why I would say those words to my, now very shocked, mother and father.

It was 9 am on a Sunday morning and I just came back from my daily jog. I jog every morning, rain or shine, and the occasional boxing classes. I like to keep in shape, especially with the amount of junk food I eat, what can I say? I'm a junkaholic. Well back to my point, I came back to see breakfast already on the table, which is very odd considering I'm the one who makes Sundays breakfast, a tradition we've had since I was seven. My dad is always at work, and my brother is in the army, so my mom and I barely see either of them, and to make me happy my mother and I would always cook Sunday breakfast together, chocolate chip pancakes, and eat it on the patio outside. With my dad the head of some important business we always had regular amounts of heavy cash flow, so we had much more then the basic necessities of life.

Anyways, I make my way to the back porch and notice theirs four plates instead of two. This can only mean my mom has a guest and my dad is home from wherever the hell he went this time. Right on cue, my mother and father's booming laughs can be heard coming behind me.

I was about to leave and take my shower when my dad envelopes me in a hug, let me tell you something about myself; don't ever touch me, not unless you want to live. The only people allowed to hug me are my mother, my best friend Avi, and my brother Derek. No one and I mean no one else.

Just out of reflex I elbowed him in the gut and stomped on his right foot and before I can knee him where 'the sun don't shine' some random guy pulled me away. I was about to protest when I realized who this random guy is, Derek.


"Awe and to think my little burning one was happy to see me!"

"Don't call me your "little burning one"!" I attempted at mimicking his deep voice. "And why the hell didn't you tell me you were coming home!" I was very frustrated I haven't seen him in like six months!

I hate it when he calls me 'Little burning one'. With my Italian background, I got named after some Great-Great Aunt or something named Serafina. Apparently she was quite a beauty and had quite a temper too, from the photographs I've seen, we look scarily alike and no one hesitates to tell me I got her temper, which I might add am very proud of. Well, Serafina means 'burning one' so it fits perfectly towards both my Great-Great Aunt and me.

"I wanted it to be a surprise Fi!"

"Yeah well you got me on that one! And gosh! D you've grown like two extra arms!" His muscles were huge, in a totally sisterly way. I mean Derek was naturally a big guy with the body of a football player, dark cropped hair and green eyes, but with all the training he does he just doubled his size.

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