Day One

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The beginning of a new beginning, the first day of my college, starts with a rainy morning. Seems the sky couldn't help but be a part of my new day. Sky and me, we are friends. The presence of sky gives peace to my heart. Last night I couldn't sleep much, so I went to balcony to look at the sky, I looked up smiled at him. I told him how I couldn't sleep and how I keep thinking about the new class, new people and how would I say hii to them. He just listens to me, calming my heart, he is my best friend. He is always there looking me from up there. I sat there with my legs against my chest, my back against the wall, I just kept looking up at the black sky. The black sky is the proof why black is beautiful, why black is poetic.

I woke up with the drizzling sound of rain. I looked up and smiled. I knew why it's raining. He is just trying to make this day memorable. The rainy first day of my college, sounds memorable to me, thanks sky.

I wore my new college clothes I bought online. Putting some notebooks in my bag. I was ready for college, for my first day. Stepping out of my building I opened my umbrella above my head, trying not to get wet. I strapped my bag against my chest, making sure it doesn't get wet. I took an apartment with friends in walking distance from college. It took almost 15 min to reach the classroom if you don't have a class in 5 minutes. But if you do, you surely can reach college in 5 min with increased pace. But today isn't about fast pace, today is the beginning, today is all about dreamy steps, I reached the gate of my college half an hour early. Showed my id card in the entrance. And entered the college, my college. The main building started after crossing the small garden in front of the college. One has to go around it to enter the main building. The building begins with a canteen area, people were having breakfast from college canteen, some students, and some professors too. I didn't feel hungry, so I moved past the canteen, towards the notice board. I checked my name against the list. Beginning from top I had to go through 3 lists, there I found my name. I was allotted d section and the class I was allotted was in the second floor. I moved towards the stares, and started climbing them. After reaching second floor. I located my class room. It was in the rightmost corner. I went in. Some students were sitting inside the classroom. Most of them were looking towards the mobile screen, maybe texting. Some were just sitting with heads down with earphones plugged in their ears. I looked towards them. No one smiled though. I came out, and started pacing towards the balcony of the second floor. I looked up, that was not a very good start, was it? I said to sky.

My dad had a transferable job so I had to change school after every 3-5years. I am used to change. I made friends fast too. Maybe it gets harder as we grow up. Maybe then, it was only me who was new in the classroom when I transferred to a new school. But here in the college. A full new class of new students, where no one knows each other. How do you start? When you don't know where to begin with.

I was excited to meet new people. To know new names, to know people with names I have already encountered. To meet someone who is like me, maybe someone who loves the sky, the waves, the rush city noise has, the peaceful quite places. Someone who admires the peace of heart more than I don't know, whatever the world believes in. I haven't given a thought if I wanted to meet with someone with the same name as my ex. Well I guess that would be exciting too. Don't you think so, sky?

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