Background info

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My name is Lily I just look like every other basic girl. Pretty skinny, tan, long brunet hair, average height. You know basic. I may look basic but I am so far from it. Unlike anyone else.... yeah I'd like to think so. I'm pretty weird and I'm super quiet. I have such a fear of speaking that I get bad anxiety and I am so self conscious. Anyways enough about me for now. 

I'm new around here I just moved to LA for my parents jobs. We got a pretty big and nice house I have an awesome balcony over looking our pool. I love it so far. I live with my Mom and she is pretty great but Dad not so much he doesn't like abuse me or anything not physically at least just verbally but sometimes it hurts just as much as a punch. Then I have my sister jade she's pretty great we get along pretty good and she is like a best friend honestly she's all I need. And don't get me wrong we still fight and when we do oh it's so bad. But right now we're best friends. I love hanging with her it's so fun we used to slam in my car all the time. By slam I mean like idk we just turn the music up all the way roll down the windows and sing and dance our hearts out. We didn't give a shit what others thought. We would play all the new hits we'd listen to Khalid, Bruno, logic, and jades personal favorite why don't we.  Guess we won't be slamming so much with this la traffic. It's okay though. Anyways I guess you know a little bit more about my family.

Ok now I think there is a few more things you should know about me and well my past. I'm not social like at all. I try not to be and socializing gives me bad anxiety. I struggle from anxiety, panic attacks and depression. Why am I like this? I've always been bullied and self conscious doesn't really help my situation. I also cut my wrist I've stopped since jade found out months ago. I tried to commit suicide once. I never meant the words 'I love you' and so I don't really know what love is. And I basically daydream every minute of my life... I think I live in an alternate reality...
Okay this is my first story and I know it's boring right now but I promise it will get better. Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

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