Finding Your True Self

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"Annabell, O Annabell." Crystal, her mother called for her. It seemed Annabell had grown so shy over the years. Her mother never let her fly around town much for a quick chat with other fairies. Annabell was a shy one, always interested in so many ideas but to humble to speak out for her own. Her mother controlled over her, giving her chores like dusting  the small hut or sweeping the front path.

Although, when Annabell hovered the dirt paths of Mythical Way, she was quite the eye candy. Every male fairy would stop and stair at this beautiful lady flutter by but not one said a word for they knew who's daughter she was and would not dare to speak to her. Her golden locks flowed out of her head like a luscious water fall with eyes glimmering like a pond on a summer day. Her flawless skin was envied by her three younger sisters who some had scars or birthmarks visible.

All three girls were always thought that they were not as pretty as Annabell. They were not. The girls let their over sized air heads get the best of them. All wanted Annabell but none could have.

"Annabell, were are you?" Crystal called out again, brown locks of hair being brushed back from the swinging of the door where Annabell had flown in from. Her mother was so surprised from the quick opening of the door she had dropped the acorn bowls into the clean dish water, causing it to splash on her mothers old rags.

"Mama, I am sorry." Annabell whispered beneath her breath. She had not intended to scare her mother, she never did but seemed to always do so. Her mother breathed in deeply, thanking the Fairy Goddess that these were her old rags made from leaves and not the ones made from the the finest silk a spider could spin. They were becoming more popular everyday, keeping fairies occupied with making the new fabrics.

"Dearest, Violet, your sister, forgot the shopping leaf here on the counter. Do mother a favor and bring it to her." As Crystal slipped off one soapy rubber glove made from human tires in a distant land, she hand the leaf to her shyest daughter. Annabell was more than ecstatic to go in to the town's shopping center. She had only been there a handful of times that each time she went was like a new adventure.

Her white silk wings fluttered as fast as they could go, carrying the not even close to one pound fairy covered in soft pink rose petals for her clothing. She flew between trees, over creeks and past small huts no bigger than her own. She passed other fairies she had not even seen before. All were different, not one was the same. Questions filled her pretty little head of hers, wanting to ask every fairy around what it was like for them to live an exciting life.

She had finally made it to Mythical Way's shopping center and began to look around for her sister but she was nowhere to be found. She searched far and wide, but still, could not find her. Mid day had arrived and now the market was filled with unfaithful fairies just here to get what they need, not caring who was in their way.

Annabell gave up on finding her sister Violet. She would have found her by now if she was still hear in town. An idea suddenly popped into the tiny head of hers. Now that she was in town, she could explore a little more than usual. As Annabell looked around she eyed the very detailed items she had never seen before, let alone heard of.

These lost items amazed her. She had heard that these lost items came from the distant land of the humans.  Her eyes caught on something intriguing to her. It was a spiral metal item that when you squished together, came recoiling back to its original shape, otherwise known as a spring. She giggled every time the spring bounced in her hands.

While Annabell played joyously with her new favorite object, a handsome young fairy watched her from a far. He had always admired this young fairy. She was delicate and would need to be cared for all day and all night. This girl needed to be showered with the greatest gifts even during the rough times. Who was this handsome young thing who would soon win the heart of a single fairy so beautiful and wise but never had the courage to approach her?

His name was Quiver. He was your average male fairy who volunteered everyday to help out others. Quiver was familiar with this fairy he had only seen once in a blue moon. They had run into each other the last time she had been near town when a chipmunk had gone wild and tried to attack her. Quiver saved her from the beast and it scurried off. Luckily not a harm was done to poor Annabell but she had flown of before introducing herself to him, letting Quiver wonder what beautiful name this delicate creature was given.


Let me know what you think!!! First Fantasy story and I also am not sure of the second category I should place this story in... Still debating on Romance or Adventure because it will have both!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2012 ⏰

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