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The final rays of sunlight gazed down upon the trees. Beads of sweat dripped down my hairline continuously as I jogged up the dirt path leading to Toad Creek, next to a nearby baseball field. My finger tips turn white, from clutching onto my book so I wouldn't drop it. Last time I took a run, I dropped my book into some mud leaving the cover of it forever stained. Thoughts rushed through my head as my breath picks up after every stride. Why was I running? Well, to clear my head of some issues I have at home. I tend to have to clear out my brain a lot though, considering the countless times I've been up and down this same path. Past the pond, right by a sea of flowers, and toward west...since that's where the sun is setting.
A sigh escaped my mouth as I decrease my pace, and start speed walking toward the empty baseball field. At least I thought it was empty, until I heard some grunting...sounds like someone is struggling. Typically I'd sit in the middle of the outfield and read as many pages as possible. I guess tonight will be different.
I heard a crack and saw a baseball get hit straight into left field, just about to hit the fence. So close. The grunting became a sigh and the person became more visible as I walked next to the fence. "Hey..." I blurted out behind the boy. He turned to look behind himself and gave a small smile, surely a fake one. "Oh hi," He looked down and scratched the back of his head. "That was a good hit, you play baseball?" That was such a stupid question, of course he plays baseball you idiot. I thought. More interested, he looked me straight into my eyes. "Well, yeah."
He had black curly hair resting carelessly on his shoulders. A caramel, lean complexion that is. His dark brown eyes are sweet, and captivating. Those eyes-his eyes I was staring into seemed sad. I could tell then that he either was upset with his baseball skills. Or maybe that's just the way his eyes are. Innocent. Everything about him seemed so innocent. But thinking of how good looking he is, he's probably not that innocent. I tilted my head and pushed back a free strand of hair behind my ear. "You seem upset, what's the matter?" I couldn't ignore the fact that something is bothering him. "Wanna sit over by the tree and talk?" His hand gestures toward a massive willow tree, growing not too far away from the field but still a short walk. "Sure." I smiled. I felt my cheeks heat up, even though this isn't an intimate moment, my body couldn't help the fact but to check him out. Making me nervous. I wasn't the type of girl who has had a ton of boyfriends...or really to ever fall in love. I think the last time I had any general feelings for someone was in 10th grade, about two years ago since I'm a junior in high now. His name was Jake, I had my first kiss with him which apparently meant nothing to him considering that he didn't answer any of my phone calls. That kiss with Jake made me have a small crush on him...but I just knew it would ever work out.
"What's your name?" The guy asked as we made our way to the tree. "My name is Alissa. Alissa Bentley. But most people just call me Ally. What's yours?" The crunch of the leaves became more noticeable since there was a small pause in between that question. "Oh sorry, just got a lot on my mind.My name is Michael Jackson."


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