Broken(Luke Hemmings)

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“Alexis!”  My mom screams from downstairs. I open my eyes to see its 7:15 and school starts at 7:25. I hop out of bed and run to my bathroom. I look a mess but I know I don't have much time so I do my hygiene things and throw on some ripped jeans and a Greenday t-shirt.  I run downstairs as fast as I can. No time for breakfast which is a total bummer. “Goanna be late on your first day.” My dad chuckles. I roll my eyes, get my skateboard, and kiss my parents bye.                                                                                        

The school was just a few blocks down so I got there really quickly. As saw the school the bell rang signaling it was time for homeroom. I hurry and run towards the school. As soon as I run in I hit something hard or someone. “Oh my gosh I’m really sorry!”  I said looking up. I looked up to see a boy with dirty blondish brown hair and tattoos covering his arms. He also had piercings, one his bottom lip and one on his left eyebrow. I would be lying if I said he wasn’t attractive. “Don’t be sorry, be careful.” He mumbled walking off in the opposite direction. Rude I thought.                                                                                              I got up, gathered my things, and headed to class. It took me about five minutes to get to class. I walked in just as the bell rang. “You must be Alexis Johnson.” My teacher Mr. Evans said. I smiled and waved shyly. “Take a seat next to Ms. Reese.” Mr. Evans said. I took a seat next to the girl he pointed to. “Hi, I’m Jessica.” The girl whispered to me. “Alexis.” I whispered back. We started talking until the classroom door opened. The boy I ran into earlier walked in. “Hemming’s late as usual.” Mr. Evans said. “You’re lucky I came at all.” He mumbled. He made his way to the desk beside mines.                                                                                                  

He slid in and put his head down on the desk. “What’s with him?” I whispered to Jessica. “That’s Luke totally screwed, he barley even comes to this class.” She whispered back. I just nodded and turned around accidentally knocking a pencil under his desk. I tapped him on the shoulder. He looked at me annoyed. “What?” he grumbled. “Um sorry to bother you but my pencil fell under your desk could you get it?” I asked him sweetly. He picked up the pencil and threw it on my desk.  “Jerk.” I whispered under my breath.  “What did you call me?” he said imitating me a bit. “You heard exactly what I said.” I said surprising myself.  “Maybe if you weren’t such a klutz you could learn how to keep your crap on your desk.”                                                                                                                           “God I feel sorry that your mom has to put up with a jerk like you all the time.” I said getting louder. By this time everyone was watching us and Mr. Evan had gone to sleep. “SCREW YOU!” he screamed walking out the classroom slamming the door. Mr. Evan woke up and said, “What happened?” Everyone stayed silent.  “Car crash.” Jessica said to me. I looked confused.  “Both his parents died in a car crash last year.” Jessica explains.                                          

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