If it's meant to be, it will be [ONE-SHOT: Mika and Ara]

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         It never occurred to me that I will fall in love with someone who’s completely the opposite of me. People would always ask “WHY?” “HOW?” WHEN” and we would always say, “Magic”. Our story wasn’t simple, it wasn’t the magical themed story that two people met at an unexpected time and place and sparks flew instantly, it’s funny though, we didn’t have a great start but we definitely had the best ending that could actually defeat Joaquin’s best date ever! *chuckles* It was somehow normal for some because they knew nothing of what happened between the two of us; how we fought the odds, how we listened to our hearts and find our way into each other’s arms or how I fought singly for my love for her, YES! she loves me (I know it.. duh) oh wait! did I tell you that she was a she? yep…Identity crisis here! haha but I don’t regret it. I fought alone when that tragedy happen, wanna know what happened? wanna meet the girl of my dreams? The story of us, the story of how we met and the story how we overcame obstacles in our lives…..you all know the saying.. “IF IT’S MEANT TO BE IT WILL BE”

If it's meant to be, it will be [ONE-SHOT: Mika and Ara]Where stories live. Discover now