Strange Boy - 2.1

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Annabelle's POV

I really didn't know what to do.  I don't know what to say. I am frozen to the spot and I feel like I actually cannot move. I wish I could shift into a huge bear and rip that smirk right off his face. I can't, I'm weak, I'm pathetic and I am terrified.

He is the vampire prince for crying out loud! Who knows what he could do to me? Why wouldn't he hurt me anyways. To him I am scum, to anyone I am scum.

I think I am having a panic attack.

"Come here kitty, kitty, kitty!" Says the prince while chuckling to himself. I don't move though, I just stay exactly where I am and stare at him like a deer in headlights. He sighs and reaches his hand under the bed.

I hiss and press myself into the corner so hard it actually hurts. The prince brushes my paw with his finger and I meow loudly. A really loud, pissed off meow. One you would hear after stepping on a cat's tail. He chuckles, 'Feisty little one, ain't ya?"

Trying to get myself further away from him, I turn my back towards him. Bad move. Suddenly a hand grabs my tail and yanks me out from under the bed. Ouch that hurt! I feel myself being lifted and I am suddenly sitting in the prince's lap on top of the bed.

I hiss as loud as I can and go to make a run for it, but I feel a hand weighing me down on my back. I can't move! This time I actually can't physically move, I am not just being a coward anymore. I look up and a handsome face is peering down at me. I have to say the prince really is as attractive as they all say. No wonder so many girls don't care what an asshole he is.

His eyes are a piercing blue, like all royal vampires. Royal vampires all have blue eyes to signify blue blood. I do not know how they do it, but their eyes are quite miraculous up close. They have strange waves in them, of different blues. All other vampires eyes are brown.  Some are a mixture of blue and brown, and those are the nobles, the ones with a little bit of royal family history. The prince I think has the most beautiful eyes, I wish my eyes were blue.

My eyes are so green that they are almost yellow. I even seem to look like a cat even when I am not in cat form. Maybe I was just meant to be a normal housecat. If I was, life wouldn't be so hard.

"Well little kitten, why are you shaking so?" Says the prince with a smirk in his eyes. "You're my kitten now, you shouldn't be so afraid."

I do not waver, I  keep looking the prince straight in the eyes.

"Please shift for me, I would like to speak with you. I promise I won't rip your tail off if you shift now." Says the prince in a sickly sweet voice, even though his words, aren't so sweet. I decide I should probably do what he asks, I kind of like my tail where it is.

I feel the wind around me as I shift right there on his lap, my bones take a different form and I feel my skin molding into my body. It is actually a pleasant feeling. Though If anyone has ever told you they feel that it hurts, they are telling the truth. For some, they feel as if this is a curse, and they shift as if this is a curse, therefore their body hates itself and shifts with pain. Those, like me, who feel this is a gift, shift painlessly and it is rather a good experience.

My long soft hair cascades down my back and my white dress falls simply around me. Complementing my innocent features. I look up into the blue eyes of the prince and he looks down on me in awe.

I am still so small in my human form that I fit perfectly in his lap. He is quite large, probably around 6'4 and he isn't so slim. His build is attractive and muscular without looking bulky. But definitely not skinny.

"What is your name? Or would you rather me just call you Kitten?" he says softly looking into my eyes. He still seems in awe from seeing me shift, I wonder if he has ever seen my kind shift up close before? Probably not. But who knows, he is the Prince.

"My name is Annabelle." I say softly looking down. I really hope he doesn't hit me too much, or do anything else to me. I hope he is nice. That's going a little far though. Maybe he will be, he hasn't hit me so far! Things like this usually don't last though, they never did with my family.

Thinking about my family, and that they are gone makes me want to cry again. I really did love them, even if they hit me and made me sleep in the barn. Even if I didn't get fed enough, I know they loved me too. But now isn't the time for crying. It could make the prince mad, and I would prefer he like me enough to trust me and maybe let me have a little freedom. At least at home I could basically wander wherever I wanted. My family never did take away that freedom.

"Alright my Kitten, I am going to tell you the rules around here, and I want you to listen closely. If you mess up, you will get hurt." The prince says holding my small chin in his large hand. I nod quickly and pay attention, I would rather not get hurt.

"You may call me Jace if you please, I prefer my name to any other title, I hate being called master or anything. The servants here having been doing it for years. It totally just gets on my nerves, and you do not want to be on my last nerve."

"Yes Jace." I say softly, secretly overjoyed that I do not have to demean myself anymore by calling him master.

"You will sleep in my room, and you will stay in my room... it will be easier to keep track of you. Do not leave without my permission, If you want to go somewhere I will take you or you just won't go, understand?"

"I understand."

"Good, do not open my door to anyone when I am not here, it will be locked at all times. The maid will have a key and will bring you three meals a day, if I am not here you will eat alone, and just eat whatever the cook makes without complaining."

"You're.. you're going to feed me." I say softly with disbelief. Even my very own family didn't feed me most of the time.

"Yes?" He says confused. "Did.. never mind. The last rule is, do everything I say without question, If you do not I will punish you. You belong to me now, and only me."

"Yes Jace," I say lowering my head. All I am is his property. Nothing more, just property.

"Good then" he says in a hesitating voice. He shakes his head as if to clear it. "I will be back in an hour, here." He throws me a TV remote. "Entertain yourself." With that he opens and then slams the door, leaving me sitting on his massive bed all alone, looking confusingly at a TV remote.

Now how the hell do you use this again?

Photo: Annabelle

-------Photo: Annabelle

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