Track 27: Truths

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Misery Loves Company

By: theinkslingerr

Track 27: Truths

Why couldn't u just tell the truth??

I stared at Enid's text without blinking until my eyes dried up and my vision blurred. I closed and opened the messaging app over and over again, but the picture was still there. The words were still there.

I zoomed into the screenshot and noticed that it had been taken from an Instagram account called @DomTilDeath. I opened Instagram to search for it, but froze when I saw what was on my explore page.

Pictures of Dom and I kissing everywhere!

Filtered, manipulated, and reposted hundreds, maybe thousands of times. There were even memes!

My hands trembled as I typed in @DomTilDeath, and the name immediately generated a public fanpage. Dom was plastered all over it. Solo, with Blue Vendetta, clothed, half-naked, wet, dry, in bed with his dog...

The most recent post was the bathroom pic, and it already had over 300,000 likes. Each time I refreshed the page it got hundreds more.

The caption read: plan b. we shared something special, but you never thought to invite me, did you?

My stomach dropped.

Plan B?

Ruining my life was Plan B?!

If this account actually belonged to the girl that had taken the picture, and she'd posted it because Dom hadn't invited her to the pop-up after they'd slept together- she was insane. Fatal Attraction I'm-Going-To-Boil-Your-Pet-Rabbit insane!

But if she deleted the picture yesterday in front of Dom how could she post it? Had Dom been stupid enough not to make sure it was cleared from the recently deleted album as well? A picture could be recovered if it wasn't deleted from there too. Had she uploaded it to dropbox or something before deleting it in front of him?

There were so many different scenarios, but one thing remained evident- Dom had gotten screwed in that hotel room.

In more ways than one.

And so had I, by extension.

I began scrolling through the comments. I knew what they were going to say, but I had to look anyway. I saw each one through the eyes of my mom, classmates, and teachers.

bforvendetta: omg is that misery?????!!!!!!!!!

bluevenfan97's reply to bforvendetta: it has to be! I saw her in person at the pop-up and this looks just like her! but slutified.

invertedpyramids101: all i wanna know is who took this pic??? and what does the caption mean?

ultimatefighter555: CALLED IT!!!! knew good ol' misery was putting in "work" behind the scenes lol

anon302's reply to ultimatefighter555: yup, not surprised! she seems like the type of girl that'd go for it in a public bathroom.

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