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In an alternate universe, the menacing Major Minus and his massive Empire of Silence had entered Earth. With all of his friends/followers/armies of Silencers and the philosophic Irdoks, they had fully taken over the planet. Where an apocalypse of darkness, chaos, loudness, despair, and optimism had destroyed its opposites.

There were no more upbeating and catchy songs of every genre were released and every colors present in Earth were drained away and left with grayness are due by Minus banning them from existence. Putting them back to life is a full-sentence to death and to be claimed as a Sparker. Happiness was all but gone but only forced with the help of the horrible Hypnofeed to "calm" the people down and to bring up their "smiles" from false entertainment -- yet the upside of that is it always happen only inside your head but never experience it on the outside world. Because of this, poisonous silence has been developing around the globe day by day.

Before the reign of the Empire of Silence began, two important members of the British band Coldplay were kidnapped by the Silencers and kept them away from sight to never be found for at least 3 years -- people claiming them to be dead. But they were secretly turned out to be Major Minus' favored followers with the help of several painful and unspoken experiments upon them. Because of this, they were very loyal to Minus and to his empire. They had succeeded their most darkest mission under Minus' orders which it have given a huge threat to the three remaining members of the band and even to the whole world; without showing any sympathy nor mercy to them.

On and on, Earth was nothing than a gray floating peice of rock. Showing no signs of actual life. Showing nothing but pure silence and darkness. People were now threatened and feared unknowingly by a lie.

This is wrong. Someone has to do something. They have to do something.

Prospekt's March is a small revolutionary alliance that was formed by three rebelling groups right under Minus' spying eyes: the Superheroes, Eager Love Revenge, and the A.L.I.E.N.S. (stands for the Attempt to Liberate the Innocent and to Execute the Nauseating Silence). The March's only duty is to return back of what Earth truly is to them, restoring color and sound to where it originates from, and -- most importantly -- to save their two suffering comrades who were pulling themselves into danger.

But their duty isn't as easy as it obviously is.

They have to face and fight against Major Minus himself and his whole Empire of Silence together up to their fullest potential -- and to even face their deepest fears and difficult challenges. Earth and its people had their high hopes for them -- hoping that they'll bring back the home to what it was to them. And the March will never give up until they are able to fulfill it. Never.

But being outnumbered by Minus' power with the helo of whole population of armies of Silencers affiliated by the Empire of Silence -- can Prospekt's March even able to make it through all of it?

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"The faith of our planet Earth, and even our galaxy, rests upon our shoulders. It's now just us against this corrupted world," said Prospekt, lifting up his rifle in triumph. "Are you with me?"

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WRITTEN BY: Yellow_Dayz

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Hold on to your feels and tears (lmao it rhymed) because this shit's about to be dark...! *sudden evil demonic laugh*

Reading "A L I E N S" by ThaisPujolOrtiz (an AWESOME fanfic; recommending you guys to read it!) made me super inspired to write this Coldplay fanfic like it (except "A Chatroom Full of Randomness"; kinda trash)! Although I had another fanfic on my mind where Coldplay meets the Vocaloids and Hatsune Miku is happen to be a part of the Car Kids and Chris found out and is willing to help her. Any thoughts? Eh, maybe...

Other inspirations for this fanfic are BlackRock Shooter (the song, OVA, and the anime series. Watch it -- it's total badass), Star Wars (face it, this is like Star Wars but more dark), Marvel movies like The Avengers (better than DC, no offense), the Mylo Xyloto comics (I wish they'll continue them...), and some Coldplay and Vocaloid songs w/ others (duh).

So without further ado, let's get started!

Enjoy reading!

p.s. the cover kinda sucks and I update very long because of either laziness or school lol. plus each chapter is possibly very long

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