Learning To Live... With the help of One Direction

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  • Dedicated to Anyone Willing To Read

HELLO! haha well let's see this is my first time writing a story here on wattpad and I suppose I've been thinking about this story alot so I finally decided why not put it in words eh? So I hope you like it sorry I might be bit slow uploading at first and pardon any spelling errors I don't have an editor or anything (am I supposed to?) any feedback you could give me is great and thanks sooo much for taking time out of your day or night to read my little story!

P.S- could someone be a sweetheart and explain how everything works when being a writer on wattpad? For example: do you need an editor if so for what reason and how to get one, how to get more people to read etc...

Once again THANKS FOR READING!!! And I hope you all like it!!!!

Flashback: 2 Months Ago...


Elizabeths P.O.V

Well this is just awkward. I thought over and over my mind flipping around thinking of literally a million other things I'd rather do. But no I'm stuck sitting here with a bunch of people who plan on attending Harvard for law school or Julliard to become a world renowned dancer, and I'm just me, Elizabeth Baxter who has next to nothing figure out and-- "Miss. Baxter?" I look up and widen my eyes to hopefully pull off looking even a tad interested in the conversation I had until now been oblivious to. "Yes Mr. Parker?" I replied in a sickly sweet tone that I only use on adults when I'm trying to A.) Get away with something or B.) Appear innocent to adults when I'm guilty. "Could you please tell us your biggest hope or dream and how you plan to make it happen?" he smiled at me clearly not fooled by my act. Dammit that was supposed to work I took a deep breath and frantically racked my brain for something intelligent to say in response. "I, erm. Well I. You see-" this is useless, I'm just going to be completely honest. "Well Mr. Parker to tell the truth I have not a damn idea." And with that I gathered my belongings and walked out the door appearing confident as ever--until I got to my car.

"What have I done Lil?" I wailed into the phone. I had immediately called Lily my best friend since lower school. "Calm down Lizzie what's wrong?" I explained quickly how I had completely F'd up my group interview for a scholastic scholars summer course. "Calm down love, its ok your dad can pull some strings and you will be fine." Lily said in a quiet, even voice that I so rarely hear. After another hour of me sobbing and Lily calming me down I had no tears left to cry, I was simply left with a strange emptiness as the overwhelming thoughts raced through my brain. For the first time in my entire life I realized that I had no idea what I wanted for myself in the near or distant future. Well shit.

Nialls P.O.V

"I wanna save ya, save ya, save ya, toniiight!" The music died down and I looked around me to see our stage director feverishly checking his clipboard. I look out at the thousands of empty seats laid out before me and I closed my eyes just to take it in. Such a fast-paced life is tiring for a young lad like myself. I thought back to my days before Xfactor, the days where I so desperately wanted to follow my dreams and break out to chase my own dreams and then my mind raced over the years that have passed since Xfactor recording our first album, going on tour. Suddenly it all hit me at once, for the first time since the boys and i have become famous I realized how damn luck I was to be standing here where I am today and how I ought to be much more grateful for the life I've been given. At least I had a career that I love. I had never thought of this or even thought about my life in this way at all. What brought all this on? I wondered to myself. I stood there on stage trying to figure it out until Louis and Harry skipped up to me holding hands and singing that it was time to get ready for the show we had tonight. I laughed off my thoughts that previously occupied my mind and decided to race around the arena with two of the idiots I call my best friends.



Elizabeths P.O.V

I took a gulp of air, said a prayer and then waited in the wings, my stomach churning violently i felt restless and I couldnt manage to calm myself down. "Up next Elizabeth BAXTER!" I see the stage manager count me out 3......2.......1.... one last last breath, then I look forward, smooth my hair and begin the opening lines. My heart is pounding from the adreniline rushes through me. "No I wont give up, on us-ss." As I finish I look straight at the camera and smile because for once I felt like a winner. "Elizabeth that was beautiful, I believe you have a God given talent, dont waste it." My smile widens as I continue to hear postive comments. I walk back to the wings of the stage as I think over the last few months of my life, I had come a long way from the scared, crying girl sitting in her car all alone. I made a plan that night I vowed to chase after my dreams, whereever they might take me. So I did, I followed my heart and headed off to the X-Factor and soon found myself making it to Live shows then to the Top 7 then the Top 5 and finally the Top 3 where I am now. I've honestly never felt happier about my life Im doing something with it for starters and finally everything seems to be going- Right. I collapsed onto the bed, I was exhausted and had a full day tommorow. I wanted to win this so bad- I had to, I thought to myself before I drifted of to sleep.

"So GET OUT GET OUT. GET OUTTA YO BED!" I hear my irritating alarm go off. It was my best friend Lily's idea: to sing her favorite 1D song into a ringtone to wake me up everyday and though I want to change it I cant bring myself to, since I miss everyone at home so badly. I roll out of bede grudgingly and force myself to make my way over to my phone and shut off the alarm. I check my messages 21 unopened. I scan through them and most of them are congratulations and words of encouragement from my friends and families but one stuck out to me.

////Rehearsals at 5:30 and suprise for you at 8:00~ Shower and dress NICE. Simon////

I check the clock its red L.E.D numbers read 5:23 "Shhhhittttt!" I stumble around the room searching for various articles of clohing. Sportsbra. Check. Baggy tank. Check. Yogapants. Check. I throw on my Nikes and put my hair up before racing out the door.

An hour and half later I find myself dripping with sweat, muscels aching, and my arms and legs feel like lead. I get to my room and run a steaming shower. I hop in while blasting One Direction: Stand Up one of my many favorites. And sing at the top of my lungs. I finish towel off, blow dry my hair and quickly choose a NICE outfit just as Simon instructed. I try on a few outfits before settling on my final choice, something warm because it had gotten quite chilly seemingly overnight.(Outfit to the Right>>). I put my long blonde hair in a loose bun so that strands of my hair casually fall out then I swipe on some mascara and then I have completed my getting-ready-process. I take a moment to ponder whatever it is Simon has waitng for me and why I would need to dress nice for the occasion. I calmed myself and chose to not worry about Simons plans and with that I take a long breath before calmly walking myself out the door.

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