Secrets (Kinda Gen?? Not very shippy tbh)

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Shove your feelings down, keep your popularity up. Sleep with random girls at parties. Do anything you can to make yourself either hated or respected. That's all that Hunter McNamara knew.

Don't let anyone know who you really are.

Everyone knew the Hunters as the most popular boys in school, but that's not all they were. They each had a personality beyond the stereotypical "mean popular kids." Chandler was actually very intelligent, he could pass all of his classes without studying at all. Duke was insecure, constantly worried about what people really thought of him. And McNamara was a big sweetheart, but he had to hide it, lest he end up with the same fate as the "nerds."

So when Vincent Sawyer ended up in the group with no real reason as to why, besides him getting them out of detention, Hunter didn't know what to think. The boy was nobody just a few hours ago, and now he's the talk of the school. Everyone knew who he was, and he didn't really seem to be enjoying the attention, especially when he's being asked if he gave them blowjobs for them to let him into their group.

After a few weeks, Hunter could tell that they were starting to grow on Vincent. He hadn't been a part of their group long enough for him to know what they were all really like, but they were nicer to him then to anyone else at the school, and he seemed to take that as enough.

Finally, the group decided it would be time for them to invite him over for a sleepover. That would show him their true colors. It was a bit nerve wracking for everyone, but they managed to pull it off. He seemed pleasantly surprised to learn about everything that they didn't tell anyone else, and he was flattered that they trusted him enough to tell him. Then, there was only one thing left to confess.

"Hunter, it's your turn."

He looked over at Vincent and squirmed a little. He gave Chandler a look.

"Do I have to?" Hunter didn't even have to say anything to communicate his message.

Chandler gave him a slight nod. That was his biggest secret that he needed to share, and it had taken so much to tell the Hunters, and he didn't know if he could tell Vincent. He shook his head. Get yourself together Hunter.

He took a deep breath.

"I'msuicidal!" He blurted out, pulling his jacket over his head. "I...I hurt myself, I blame myself for things that have nothing to do with me, I hate myself, I tried to KILL myself...and I failed. That's why I'm sitting here in front of you today, because the roof of my house wasn't tall enough!" He grips his arms and starts sobbing to himself. He barely caught sight of Vincent's startled expression before he's being pulled into a hug. He jumped a bit, but then relaxed. He was OK, nothing was happening to him.

No one was going to hurt him. Not here.

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