Imagine Peter Falling for You(Peter X Reader)

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💫Hi, Im Hannah and this the first Imagine I've written I hope u enjoy.💫
Peter and You have been friends for a long time. You knew you liked him for than a friend, but you didn't know if he felt the same way. One day you and Peter decided to go on walk in the forest to just hang out. You guys talked about the new lost boys who came to the island and about how you've been. You got bored after a while so you thought you'd make something into a competition. "Race you to the shore!" You say as you start running. "Cheater!" He runs after you. After running for a few minutes, you trip on a log which ends up tripping Peter as well. He ends up falling on top of you. He looks at you with his green eyes inches away from your face. He smirks and kisses you which makes you blush. You return the kiss. He pulls away for a moment and smiles at you. You smile back and he pulls you into another kiss. You smile into the kiss and he does the same. "Peter?" "Yes?" You smile "I love you." "I love you too" You two walk back to the camp and act like nothing happened but you exchange glances through out the night which the lost boys didn't see. From this day on your life changed forever.

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