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I really felt the need to post something.. Something new yet old. This story has been started a while ago, well more then a while but I kind of wanted to finish it first and then post it. For now, I'll put this story into the 'coming soon' category because it isn't really finished and I haven't been able to write for it for a while, but I am sure that it will be a finished story. 

I hope, that people will like this. Enjoy! K, xx


                              p r o l o g u e

I walk through the double wooden doors while loud talks are made. When everyone notices me, those loud talks change into whispers, which change into laughs, at the end. My cheeks turn bright red as I walk through the corridor. At the end of it all, I hear a voice. The voice that I would recognise even after my death. I would recognise it everywhere and any time. It’s stuck in my head, which is unhealthy for me.

The words that travel from his mouth, across the corridor are not pleasant. They’re not even neutral. It is almost surreal because he turned out to be a different person than I thought. Making me feel stupid and reckless to believe each word he has said. It all turned out to be lies and in the end of it all, it was just for fun.

As my eyes start to burn, I walk towards my locker and take out the books I needed leaving the other ones inside. I blink a couple of times, then a couple of names are being called out, which are most probably directed at me. How can people be so horrible?

“Stupid, stupid Claire.” I hear the thick accent right beside me and I jump, startled by his presence. My cheeks burning even brighter, I look up and notice that specific smirk forming on his lips. But it doesn’t reach his eyes. And that is what shocks me the most.

“How could you be so stupid?” I hear from my left and I look that way to notice one of his mates. I wouldn’t call them friends, but that bloke follows Niall like a lost puppy. I find it quite pathetic but Niall doesn’t say a single thing, in fact, I think he likes to have a follower. Most probably, he thinks it makes him look cooler.

Preferably I take a step back to get a clearer version of them both. Feeling more secure like that, instead of having to turn my head each time one of them speaks. After some time, my neck would also hurt and to put it in nice words, those two are not worth neck pain.

And as I am about to open my mouth, a tall and slim brunette walks up to us and kisses Niall on the lips. Just like that; ignoring the people walking past, ignoring his little follower and most of all, ignoring me. She’s either new here or she has never seen me. It really is impossible not to know how I look after all that Niall did. It’s not like I am putting myself on the main spot, I am not the centre of the earth after all, but the situation has surprised me.

I roll my eyes and look away. Jake smirking was the first thing that my eyes came to notice. It’s like he was watching my reaction to the brunette’s appearance. As if the two of them have planned it. What if they actually did plan it?

“Jealous?” He whispers to my ear and I shiver. I hate his voice. It’s different, like he has never completed his voice mutation. A little squeaky but rather deep at times, and that is what freaks me out. When he whispered that word to me, at the end of it, his voice went a pitch higher.

“Me?” I ask louder, and with the corner of my eye, I notice the brunette detaching herself from the blond as their heads turn my way. But my eyes are attached to Jake’s instead. If I am going to answer him, I need to do it the right way. I let out a breath while chuckling. “Never.”

And on that note, I walk off not even turning back around because if I did, I would show them that it still hurts. That the wound is still there, wide open and the scar is ever so slowly forming. Niall doesn’t need to know that he has hurt me that badly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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