People cutting down trees are just stupid. Sure some trees are sick, but it that entire Amazon rainforest sick? The answer is no. Think about it, all of these idiots think "look at that stupid rainforest, it doesn't me any oxygen at all." And then there is me who yells at them "YOU ARE AN IDIOT! TREES ARE WHAT ARE KEEPING YOU ALIVE!" I mean trees give us oxygen, so why are you killing them? Idiots. And then think about all of the animals that live in the rainforest, what happens to them? I guess they just will go to the non-existent homeless animal shelter. Nope they have to did so that we stupid humans can live in absolute luxury. Is the life of all those animals worth your luxurious lifestyle. Think about it.
Thanks for reading comment on diff I can rant about, or whatever you want, but don't be too harsh, I'm a new writer.
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