Anniversary {Merome One-Shot}

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~Mitch's POV~

Jerome and I have been dating happily for almost a year. I love him more than anyone in the world. He's way to good for me, continuously surprising me with little gifts.

Tomorrow is our anniversary and I know his gift will top mine, as it always does.

I sit at the dining room table while Jerome is out for awhile. I struggle with wrapping a box containing a bracelet that reads "#Merome For Life" on the inside wrist. I've never been very good at wrapping.

The bracelet isn't the only thing I'll give him tomorrow, I've found out every single one of his favorite breakfast foods and is going to make him a breakfast in bed. Not the best present, but I've always wanted to do this for him.

I hear the door open and quickly hide the gift.

The familiar, "I'm home!" Sounds through the house.

I run to the door and hug him.

"I know it's too early, but here." He says handing me a box.

I open it and in the inside is a picture of us on our first date and a rose.

I stare up at Jerome.

"Jerome.." I hug him tightly.

"As long as the rose doesn't wilt, I will love you." He whispers to me.

"What..." I take out the rose. It doesn't feel right. "But... It's a fake rose. It'll always stay perfect."

"Well, then I guess I will always love you."

Tears form in my eyes and I smile. I hug him closer.

"You're way to good for me. Way to good for me. I don't deserve you." I whisper near his ear.

"No, that's not true at all. Oh and that's not all, but you have to wait until tomorrow."

~Time Skip~

I get up early so I can make the breakfast for Jerome. Eggs, bacon, sausage, OJ and pancakes.

I bring the food up to our room. Gently shaking Jerome, I wake him up.

"Happy anniversary." He says sleepily.

I put the tray of food on his lap and out the box on the tray.

"Oh, what's this?" He says, taking the box.

He opens it and instantly hugs me.

"Thanks. You're good at choosing gifts."

"Not even close to you're skills!" I object. "I don't deserve you."

"Don't say that, Mitch!"

"Finish you're breakfast, I'll be downstairs."

He nods and I leave the room.

I brew a coffee and sit down to watch Supernatural until Jerome comes down.

~Small Time Skip~

Ten minutes later, Jerome is down stairs. He sits down next to me and hands me a note. I open it and it says an email and password. I look at Jerome confused.

"Go log on to this email and look through what has been sent. Start from the first one sent." He tells me, motioning to the game room. I do as he says and log on.

I open the first one ever sent. It's the picture he gave me yesterday. I keep looking through the emails. Some are pictures, some are messages.

The next one I open and it says, "The Merome is strong in this one." I giggle as I read it.

I open up another picture, our first Christmas.

I keep looking through them. Finally, I land on the last one, it's a video. My vision is blurry from build up of tears of seeing all these memories, knowing Jerome kept them all.

I look up to him and he nods for me to watch the video.

It's a fast-paced slide show of one picture every day for one year. After the pictures are done, a video comes on that I remember Sky taking. It's the first time we kissed. It was a pool party and all of a sudden, Sky took out his phone and caught us on video of our first kiss. The final picture of the video is a picture of the first time we met, in fourth grade.

I stare up at him. I stand up and hug him tightly.

"You don't deserve me? Mitch... You mean everything to me." As soon as he says that, he gets down on one knee and pulls out a small box.

He opens it up, revealing a diamond ring.

"To show how much you mean to me... Marry me and you'll always know."

I start crying and nod enthusiastically.

"Y-yes. Yes, of course!" I say.

He stands up and kisses me.

I knew his gift would top mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2014 ⏰

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