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Hello everyone,

This is my first book and my first experience as a writer. The story may contain mature content.  P.S No hate comments please.. I'm pure hearted.

Vote, comment xoxo

- Jessie


Ally David stood their looking at the mirror. She never knew she was this beautiful. Her dark brown hair was styled and perfected. The white gown really looked perfect on her. Her creamy skin was glowing as the beautician did the work .  She sighed and calmed herself. Her hairstylist and everyone has already left the room. She went near the door and locked it.

She thought about the decision she was going to take.

Ally looked at the newspapers spread out in the table. As she thought the front headlines was full of pictures of Travis and Ally. Travis, the heir of Clifford companies and the person Ally hated and loved. Sound Confusing Right?

For Ally, Travis was just a thing whom she wanted to suffer and today is the day she could succeed by breaking his heart into pieces. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Ally went and unlocked the door. Travis's brother, Stephen stood their looking at her with a smile. Ally couldn't control the smile that crept from her but when she thought about what she is doing. Her smile faded.

"Hey it's okay, Just think that I'm your elder brother " Stephen hugged Ally. His words were making her more upset.

"Thanks Stephen" Ally said.

"Time to go, otherwise your prince charming would be angry" They both laughed.

Ally held his hand as he guided towards the car. After 10 minutes ride, she reached the chapel. The bridesmaids and the best man was already present. Ally held Stephen's hand tightly, Ally hate crowded place.

"You nervous?" Stephen asked.

"Of course, look how everyone is staring at me" Ally said.

" They are looking at you as you are beautiful, honey"  Stephen told her.

Suddenly, the music started. Stephen and Ally walked inside the chapel. Ally gazed upon the person she is going to break today. Travis was always handsome with his jet black hair, blue eyes and his masculine figure. Travis was smiling as Ally was going to be his wife.

Stephen made me stood near Travis. As Ally stood, she sneakily looked at the guests, there were cameras all around, media people hasn't changed a bit but it is good for watching the show.

Deep in Ally's heart, she wanted to change the future but she can't forget the past.

The priest started to say the vows.

" Do you Travis Clifford, Accept Ally David  as your lawful wedded wife, protecting her, and tending to her needs through illness and disappointment?"

" I do" Travis smiled. The guest looked at us in Aw but the bomb is going to come.

"Do you Ally David accept Travis Clifford as your lawful wedded husband, protecting him and tending to his needs through illness and disappointments?" The priest asked.

Every heads were turned towards me. Waiting for my answer.

" I.... don't. I'm sorry I can't" With that Ally ran away from the chapel making the audience shocked.

Ally never knew, that day everything is going to change her life. The Travis she knew was going to change into a cold hearted person she never met.

And his love was going to be Uncontrollable.


Hi guys,

How was it? I know it is just the start but it is soon going to be interesting.
Have a nice day guys.

- Jessie

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2019 ⏰

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