chapter 8

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I woke up on a small bed. Thin white sheets covered my body.  I pushed them back and tried to sit up. I felt a sharp pain in my back. I let out a small cry. I soon started to remember what happened. I pushed back the sheet once again and checked my self for injuries. To my surprise, I was perfectly fine. But I did notice something else. A heart on the inside of my wrist. My fingers traced it, wondering how it got there. I dismissed it and tried to get out the small uncomfortable bed once again. I ignored the searing pain and tried to stand. I collapsed onto the ground. "Fuck." I groaned loudly.

A short African-American lady hurried into the room. She was a nurse, I guessed by her scrubs. She lifted me onto the bed. She quickly turned back to the door and locked it. She turned back around and stared at me. I held myself up with my arms.

"Um, can you help me turn on the t.v ?" She started to slowly walk towards me. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. They were once dark brown, now they turned into a menacing glowing red. I screamed and pushed myself farther onto the bed.

"Go ahead and scream honey," her sweet southern accent said. "No ones listening."

Her head went close to mine. I felt paralyzed even though I kept screaming internally for my arms and legs to move. She came in close to my ear.

"Verba mea tua. Ut animus meus erit. Ego Dominus, et animas intexet!" (I will translate at the  end.) I felt the words burn into my skull as a choking sensation formed in my throat. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as something overwhelmed me. I fell onto the bed, spasaming and shaking. Suddenly my eyes opened. But I opened my eyes as something else. Reborn.


Translate: Let my words be your words. Like your soul shall be mine. I am your master, let our lives intertwine

Hey guys! I admit I have been super lazy with this story, but I want to start it up again. Remember to comment and favorite! Whoever comments on this chapter I will follow and give a shoutout to them in the next chapter!! ;) - Tempest

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2014 ⏰

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