The Note

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"And then, Vicollo says to Hoku," Luke relayed every second of the new Demon Ball Z episode to a less than enthusiastic Ian. Bored out of his mind, Ian had asked Luke about the anime he watched almost religiously, hoping to kill some time until lunch ended. As well as end the previous awkward silence between them as they ate under Ian's favorite tree at Asagao Academy. The older boy stared far into the open, grassy field before them, lost in thought. He knew at this point, all previous attempts to quell his attraction to the boy who was sitting beside him at this very moment were in vain. Ian loved Luke. He loved him with all his heart. But, he also knew Luke would never feel the same way. Luke was straight. And that killed Ian a little inside. No matter how much he loved him, it would never work out. Abruptly, the blond was ripped out of his trance by a gentle nudge on his shoulder. Ian's eyes instantly snapped to his right, where the singer was sitting, giving the older boy a worried look.
"You okay man?"
Luke asked, genuinely concerned. Ian felt his ears redden. Why did Luke have to be so... Luke?
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Ian mumbled, pulling up a few blades of grass and pretending to study them closely. Luke shook his head gently.
"Are you sure dude? You have been acting kinda...Distant around me lately." Ian's heart rate skyrocketed and his palms sweated. 'Does he know? Oh God he knows! What do I do? What if he tells the guys?' All these thoughts and more shoot through the blond's head like bullets from a machine gun. But despite all of this, Ian's outward appearance seemed unfazed. He always had been good at hiding emotions.
"Yeah, I've been doing a lot of homework lately. Not sure what my grade will be." Luke chuckled.
"I'm sure it'll be fine. You're really smart." Ian felt a surge of pride, and gave Luke a half smirk.
"You're only just now noticing?" Ian joked, and both of them laughed. Luke's beautiful, deep laugh sent a pleasant tingle up Ian's spine. Ian hated many things, but Luke wasn't one of them.
'Dear Luke,' No, to formal. Ian scratched out the words and started again. 'Hey, Luke.' Ian chewed the end of his pen nervously. No, that's not right. He scratched out the words again. 'Luke.' Ian sighed. Good enough.
After an hour, Ian had what he thought was an acceptable letter.

I need to talk to you. Meet me at the tree.
- Ian'

Yeah it was plain, but it got the point across.
The next morning, Ian woke to the sound of his alarm. He shut it off and got dressed. In five minutes, Ian was down by his tree, anxiety nearly strong enough to snap him like a twig. His thoughts were racing at Sonic speed, his palms sweating up a storm. What if Luke didn't come? What if he figured it out and was ignoring him? Ian covered his face with his hands, groaning.
"Oh God, why did I do this?" Ian whined.
"Do what?"
Ian spun around to face Luke.
"Jesus Christ!" Ian exclaimed, spinning around to face the singer. Ian cleared his throat, brushing imaginary dust off his shoulders, blushing lightly.
"Sorry man." Luke chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. He's just to fucking cute... Ian smiled to himself. "So what did you want to tell me Ian?" Luke pressed.
"Wow, Luke? Getting to the point? Weird." Ian teased.
"Yeah." Luke chuckled, but then grew a tad somber. "So, what's up? Are you ok?" Ian bit his lip, looking anywhere but at Luke.
"Um, I need to tell you something." Ian stared down at his feet. They were tiny compared to Luke's. A soft breeze ruffled his hair, causing him to compulsively run a hand through it. "I like someone." Almost instantly, Luke gasped.
"Caddy." Ian lied, cringing inwardly.

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