Double Date

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One more thing. Izzyboo14. I hope its ok with you that this is a two parter( two chapters). Anyways, enough talking. STORY TIME!!!

"Hurry up Sonic!" an agitated fox yelled, knocking on the bathroom door. It was Tails, who was currently waiting for Sonic to get out of the bathroom. They were scheduled to go on a double date with their girlfriends Amy and Sticks at Meh Burger. With Eggman taking a vacation on another island, this provided plenty of free time for the team. Tails crossed him arms and took a glance at his watch: 7:55.  Tails was about to knock again until Sonic finally came out of the bathroom. "Don't rush a guy when he is getting dressed." Sonic told him. Tails gave him a blank stare. "The only thing that you wear are speed shoes and your usual neckercheif. What were you even doing in there?" Tails replied. Sonic pulled out a hand mirror. "Checking my quills." he said. Tails decided not to comment as the two best friends headed to pick up the girls.

 "So where is Knuckles at again?" Sonic asked. "He is out of town with Perci. I have to admit, I never thought I'd see the day that Knuckles gets a girlfriend." Tails replied. Sonic too was surprised at that fact. Knuckles seemed to dumb understand how love works but, he proved them wrong. "Well, I'm glad he is happy." he said. Tails nodded in agreement until he felt someone tap his back. Momentarily curious, Tails turned around only to be met by a familiar pair of lips. Tails melted win the kiss and gave a goofy smile. When he released, he saw Sticks smiling at him. "Gotcha." she said. Sonic saw this a laughed a bit himself before being pounced on by Amy. "Hey there handsome." Amy said kissing his lips. Sonic smiled as he got helped up by Amy. "We were going to pick you girls up but, this works too." Tails said. "Well, Sticks wanted to see her boyfriend badly so, I followed her here." Amy said. "Worth it." Sticks chuckled. And with that, the group of friends walked to Meh Burger with their respective girlfriends.

Several hours later

Sonic, Amy, Tails, and Sticks were currently coming back from Meh Burger. They had a fun time telling jokes and chilling. Their conversations ranged from Eggmans failed attempts to future dates the couples might have. Anyways, they soon arrived home and were about to turn in for the night. "Thanks for the date." Amy said kissing her blue boyfriend. Sonic returned the gesture before the two hedgehogs went to their shacks. "Thanks for the date Tails." Sticks said kssing the fox. Tails smiled and took it to the next level by dipping her. Sticks squealed in delight and kissed back with equal passion before finally releasing. "See you tomorrow." Tails waved as he headed back home, with Sticks doing the same. Soon, it was dead quiet as the darkness crept along the sky. Not a sound was heard.... but a shadow could been seen hovering above the ground. "Time to put my plan into action." the figure said. It hovered over to Sticks's burrow where the wild badger was sound asleep. For a moment the figure did nothing and just stared through the window at the badger. Suddenly, it broke through the window and slipped into the burrow. "Gah!" Sticks yelled, startled by the noise. She jumped to a fighting stance and grabbed her boomerang. "You aliens should know better than to break into someones burrow!" She yelled in the darkness. No response. Right before Sticks was about to go back to sleep.... WHAM!

The badger was knocked out cold and stuffed into a big bag. The figure carried the bag out of the burrow and proceeded to go to Amy's shack. It did the same exact technique and came out moments later with an unconscious Amy. After stuffing her into the same bag, the mysterious figure flew off into the dark night. "Sonic... you better hope that you can save your beloved girlfriend. You too, you pathetic fox." the figure said, as it flew towards a familar island fortress...

And thats chapter one of this story request. How will Sonic and Tails react to the disappearance of Amy and Sticks? And who is this mysterious figure who hates Sonic? One things for sure... It's not Eggman. Find out when Chapter Two arrives.

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