My name is Allison Rose. But everyone calls me Alice for short, and if you're friends with me, then they usually call me Al. I am 18 years old and I go to an Elemental Academy, for people who can control the elements. I live in dorm 226 on the 4th floor. Seniors are allowed to live on campus, everyone else still has to live at home. I was an exception though. I have no mother, she died when I was born, and my father...well, lets just say hes not the nicest guy. So, ive been living here since I was a freshman. I stayed at the top of my class in every subject. When you're a freshman you learn about the earth element. Once you complete your testing in a year you move on to water, air, and fire. The majority only specialize in one specific element, even though she can still summon up the others, just not at strong. I, on the other hand, can control all of them the same. Im still learning the last element :fire. But its coming to me easily, and as usual people are impressed. So once I finish my school and complete all the tests, I will be assigned a royal Prince or princess to protect for the rest of their lives.
Chapter One.
First semester of senior year was almost over, tests were starting soon and then came the holidays. I made my way into the library to finish up some homework from the previous class 'Elementals 101.' It was so easy for me, I barely had to study anything. I looked around the room and saw other students do the same. Almost all of them had study groups; I preferred to work alone. It was easier for me to concentrate. I was so focused on my homework I didnt notice when someone sat across from me. They probably sat there for a good 10 minutes just waiting. Finally they cleared their throat. My head shot up and I had to push my glasses back up my nose.
"Sorry" I said quickly, trying to force a smile. "I was in the zone."
That's when I realised it was Christain, one of the more 'dark, mysterious, popular kid'. He was in all my classes even though we never talked before. I realised as I was watching him he didnt say a word ans I cleared my throat.
"Mind if I sit here?" He asked.
I shook my head furiously and looked back down at my homework. I was almost done, and I knew I wasn't going to be able to concentrate anymore.
"I can leave if you-"
"No, no" I cut in. "I was just making sure I had everything done. And I do. So I'm going to head out."
He didnt say another word and I took it as my que to leave. I opened the double doors with a tiny gust of wind instead of just pushing the button and I felt a tiny bit cocky.
I headed for my last class and made my way to my usual seat, in the back. It was more quiet then the rest of the room. About five minutes later the bell rang and the rest of the student poured in and took their seats. I saw the back of Christians head as he walked in and slid in the chair by his football buddy.
"Okay class, we are going to do something a little different today." Mr. Anderson spoke calmly.
Great. A class activity, with people I dont care for. I thought.
"Now im going to pair you up with a partner and we are going down to the field today. And I want you to to use all that you have learned in this class, and your others. On eachother."
"So you want us to fight eachother?" A small girl in the front spoke up, looking terrified.
"Its not going to be an actual fight. This is going to be your final. I figured it would be more fun than a written test."
"Sounds easy to me" I muttered.
"Now lets begin. Tina, you will be paired with Rachel. Sam, you will be paired with John. Autumn, you're with Selena, and Christian, you're with Carter. Allison, you're with Jezebel."
My mouth dropped open. Really. Out of all the females in the class you had to pair me up with the biggest bitch in the school. Who thinks shes the best at controlling her elements. I looked over at her and she was smiling at me in the meanest way she could. I could feel other eyes on me to. Christians.
"Lets go!" Mr. Anderson walked for the door and we all followed.
We made our way onto the field and one by one we were chosen to go while the rest of us watched.
Some of them were really short, some people took longer because they were more evenly matched. Next up was Carter and Christian. They walked out to the middle of the field and faced eachother. I actually shifted my attention to the guys, this was going to be interesting for sure.
"Ready when you are" Anderson blew the whistle and clicked his pen and began writing.
Both the guys lunged at eachother and we all gasped. A huge fireball erupted into the sky and crashed down ontop of Carter. I looked over at Christian and he was engulfed in water, struggling to get out. Carter soaked the fire in water and headed for Christain, who finally made his way back to the ground, soaking wet.
Waves of water and fire clashed into one another continually for about 10 minutes before Anderson blew the whistle and it was over."Very nicely done boys"
"Okay, now for our last pair, Allison and Jezebel."
I sighed and pushed myself up and walked over. Jezebel waved her hand and the earth shifted and moved her gracefully into her spot.
Show off.
She winked at me and didnt even wait for the whistle to blow. She mixed air and water and formed ice shards and shot them at me. I threw both my hands up to cover my face and a rock wall formed infront of me, shielding me. I heard the shards pierce the wall and I formed fire and air, a spinning fiery mini tornado grew in my palm. I dropped the wall and threw it her way. Jezebel flipped out of the way and returned with a huge wave of water, trying to trap me like Carter did to Christian. This time instead of one little wall I formed an sphere around me and molded it with fire so nothing could get in. I was surrounded by darkness but I finally breathed. I needed a plan. I could try to hit her with them all at once. If that didnt work id try something else. I broke apart the orb and one by one, then all at once, I threw everything i had at her. Rocks, water, the trees were shaking violently, branches breaking and hitting her, fire engulfed her and I heard her Scream out my name in anger and fear. The whistle blew and everything stopped. I was breathing so heavily I had to put my hands on my knees. Jezebel was on her hands and knees shaking. I smiled at her and turned to go back to my spot, thats when I heard the other students yell my name. Before I could react a wall went up and knocked me backwards. I looked around and saw Christian standing with his hands out.
What the hell?
"Jezebel stop!" Anderson shouted. I peered around the wall that Christian threw up to protect me and met her eyes.
"Christian get her out of here"
He took me by the arm and we left in a hurry back to my dorm.
"Well that was fun" I stated.
He just looked at me for the longest time and the silence was growing awkard.
"She was going to hurt you." He finally said.
"Yeah well, pretty sure I could have handled it."
"If I didnt help you, you would have been seriously hurt. She had these knives that were laced with fire and ice."
Where could she have possibly gotten those? And why would she want to use them on me? Was she that angry about losing?
"Well then. Thanks for the help."
I turned and walked into my dorm and closed the door behind me. What just happened?
FantasyAlice is almost done with her classes. Once she is done she can finally get away, start her own life. That is, if she can make it to the end of her senior year.