Being on the run (episode: 1)

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I ran as far as my wolf could take me. Running away from a place I called home, cause my life was in danger. A wolf of another pack had eyes for me and wanted to claim me as his own. I was a white wolf with purple eyes and I was considered a rare breed.

This wolf that was after me wanted to mate with me to gain a special ability that would have him to be known as one of the most powerful Alphas around, even if I was never really his mate.

He sought out to catch me, ever since he spotted me at one of my dad's all Alpha gatherings, when I was a pup and has let things be until now. He waited patiently for me to grow to the ripe age for him to forcefully seek me out and do what he claimed to do.
He came to this year's Alpha gathering, with secret and unexpected intentions and timed it perfectly to reek his bloodshed for whoever got in his way of getting to me. He called his Alpha pack army, more stronger than any other and sent them on a mission to take all the alphas  from the gathering out and leave me all to himself. "Attack!", he shouted, with anger and left everyone in the gathering in utter surprise. Wolves with snarled teeth jumped and leaped from left and right taking down alphas in a vicious battle to get me. My dad was surprised and distraught about what this strong alpha leader had planned. He quickly countered the alpha by sending his strongest warriors after the alpha's pack, trying to protect me. After my dad's warriors were fighting the alpha's warriors, he quickly joined the fight by attacking the alpha head on.

"Ahhh!", my dad screamed out in war as he faced the toughest alpha he ever knew. " Fenris, you need to run my son! Run as far away from here as you can and don't look back! Don't let Vagon catch you and gain power, otherwise all is lost! We'll hold them off, now go!"

"Dad nooo!", I cried to him.

" Go son! Now! Forget about me save yourself! ", he shouted angrily as Vagon attacked him.
I watched in fear as the blood battle began and my dad bravely took on Vagon on his own.

It killed me that I couldn't help anyone, but if I did, I'd get captured and Vagon would have won. So I did the only cowardly thing and did what I was ordered to do, which was to run away and never go back. Howls, whines and cries of pain echoed through the sky, slightly holding me back in my thoughts as wolves fell in the dozens. Guilt stung me hard but, I faced it and went on, ignoring the horrific sounds. Having a cluttered mind, not knowing what to do during  this sudden war.

I ran through trees, leaped over bushes and dived through caves to get away from Vagon and his army. Then I heard the loud shrieking cry of my dad burst through the air as the wolves ganged up on him and  fought to take him down. I paused in my tracks ,hearing his shriek and looked back to see if I was being followed, but I was a short distance ahead.

During the short pause I spotted a  black wolf pacing towards me in the distance and notice that he was getting close. The looking in his blood thirsty, glowing yellow eyes spoke the reason why the chase was on me. My eyes widened and I turned and began to run again. This Alpha was one of Vagon's wolves and I spotted the marking on his side fur with the corner of my eye that was proof that he was one of them.

I paid attention to my surrounding while involved on a life or death chase.

"You're all mine you treasured beauty! Vagon is going to love reaping the power that lies with in you! Then we'll be the strongest pack known to wolfkind!", the wolf emitted, while baring his monstrous teeth.

  I panicked and scoped the land, looking for an advantage to escape him. " Think little seedling! Think!", I spoke in my head as my eyes did a multitasking job of keeping track of his position and looking for a get away.

"You're scent of fear is strong and tempting!", he exclaimed, trying to distract me.

My eyes caught a hardly noticable sink on the track and went for it, hoping that it'd by me time to find somewhere to go for a while. " Come and get me slowpoke! ", I annoyed him to lead him into the sink and buy me time.

I saw his face grow angrier and heard him growl, challenging himself and picking up the pace. " Grrrr! You're dead meat boy! "

Getting closer to the sink hole, I leaped over it, still going. I saw him getting nearer to me then, saw him disappear when he echoed a scream,falling into the sink hole. His snout colliding with the edge of the hole as he went in. "Ahhh! I'll personally kill you for this you little pest!"

I smirked for a temporary moment and continued going. Knowing that wolves can't climb out of deep holes kept my nerves slightly less active. He wasn't going to be getting out of there any time soon.

My wolf carried me for a very long distance until he got burned out. It was getting dark and I was extremely exhausted. I walked for a little while longer and came upon a small abandoned fox borrow that his under a dead old oak tree. I looked and sniffed around to see if I was invading anyone's home before settling myself in for a long break after all the running.

I managed to get a half of my body in the borrow and laid down. My tail used to keep me warm and my paws as my pillow. I struggled to sleep, due to the constant flashes of Vagon's blood battle, then I looked to the moon and talked to it, thinking about everyone I left behind on a total wipe out. "I should have helped! I should have saved my dad and I  should have defended my home! Oh dad! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for being different and causing all this! This is all my fault!", I cried to the moon, staring at it until my eyes closed for the night, to try and sleep.


Author's note: This is my first chapter and to be honest I'm really excited about writing this book!

Thanks for having a look on my book and taking some of your time to read it!

If anyone thinks tweaks need to be made ,then feel free to tell me! Questions can be asked as well, plus I'm open to any suggestions you have, let me know in the comments! If you like this chapter then please vote! I hope I did good on the first chapter as a beginner!

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