Adam 1

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I swam at an unnerving pace, leaving Brooke and Ivin trailing behind. Their least favorite place to enter, the Deserted Castle, came into view. Although most sea folk say it's cursed by the sisterhood, I have no fear of the reclaimed land and structure. The building itself was a cream color with a blue tint due to the sun's warm, golden rays shooting through the water like arrows released from its bow. What was once the crown on the fortress was now a fallen pediment with illegible scribe here and there and a story depicting a great battle of some sort. This particular domain holds many wondrous cracks and hiding spaces to fit my slim, lengthy body with only a slight pinch. As I swiftly darted into the roofless castle, the overpowering scent of moss and decay bathed my senses in nausea like the plague and a compact town of humans.

Brooke and Ivin are two of the most annoying yet impatient of the Order Of The Gathering who serve the sisterhood to quite literally gather the "lucky" new members. They won't take me, not yet anyway. This is my game. This is my territory. These are my toys. All I intend to do is win for some time and when I eventually get bored of it, I'll let myself lose. I thought.

"We have no intention of harming you boy but you're games will not be tolerated for much longer." Brooke growled.

"Always the impatient ones aren't you? Well I have no obligation to heed your futile words."I rolled my misty bluish gray eyes.

"Boy, we have lived countless lifetimes longer than your meager existence! You shall not disobey a direct order from King Trident..." Ivin mumbled something else but was too quiet for me to catch.

"That's correct Father! This should be taken as an honor not a foolish game! If I were in your position boy, I would proudly allow myself to be taken away to the wondrous institute of Blackmore. But out of all seriousness, Adam, this school will help you in the long run. Not to mention the fact that you'll get to learn the different types of magic! I understand not wanting to leave your home and not wishing to leave your mother and father.

"That's quite all right but you must understand that we need to understand both you and what you can do in order to verify if the people you surround yourself with will be safe or not. Is that too much of us to ask?" Brooke sweetly murmured.

"Well that might be nice for you all but I would love a nice quiet room filled with games instead of being held captive." I scoffed.

They were closer now, only a few feet away from me though I'm not sure where. My body was being scratched and bruised by the rugged stone that encased my slick, tan body. The rock outstretched it's hooks and tugged at my clothing. A slick slimy creature slithered and squirmed under my feet, making every molecule in my body quiver with discomfort.

A squeal forced it's way past my lips alerting the two searching for me. I tensed as the tips of Ivins bronze tail glistened just a foot above me. Nothing was stopping him from turning around and gazing at my twitching vessel. The universe seemed to slow almost to a complete stop. My body refused to breathe, to follow my desperate plea to make a break for it. All I could do was watch.

The thing that was originally under me was slowly creeping towards Ivin's tail. NO, NO, NO, NO! THIS EEL IS GOING TO GIVE ME AWAY! What to do, what to do? Without noticing, I gripped the eel's lengthy figure causing it to thrash about. Hitting it's head against the rocks making the creature bleed it's sweet scented blood. It could easily cause a frenzy on both our parts. Ivin was looking down at us know with a smug look on his face.

"My, my, is that a snack? Or were you just bored of playing this little game?" Ivin smirked.

"Neither. I was struggling to keep this beast down here to hope it wouldn't alert you but alass, I've failed miserably as you can plainly see." A bored expression distorted both our features.

Stomach growling, I nibbled on the lifeless black spotted eel in contemptment. Ivin himself looked a smidge peckish so I tore off a rather large chunk and gently placed it in his large webbed hand. Ivan smiled widely at my understanding gesture and unhinged his jaw wide enough to consume the meat and bones whole. Ivin is at least in his early 600's and still remains unaging to the eye from afar but if you study him closely, you can see the wrinkles of old age just barely making their way to the stage. It's very intriguing that merfolk age only a thousandth humans do and if I didn't know any better than I'd say he just turned around 28! Brooke and I are like children compared to Ivin; I am only 63 while Brooke is 320.

In a way, I find Ivin's strong features gorgeous and hypnotic, his pale green eyes and smooth marble skin were perfect to me. His pure white teeth would drive me insane when he sneers. He's too adorable to be frightening at times but then I remember how he treats his loved ones... He'd lock them in a dungeon and leave them there without food for a large amount of time until he almost forgets about them or he'd beat them with his electric whip.

King Trident III is the oldest living thing in all the seas and oceans. He is over thousands of years old and refuses to give up his crown to his "foolish and foul" sons as he likes to call them and he's likely going to give the crown to his daughter. She out of all her siblings is as sweet as sugar and has passed judgement at the same fairness as her elderly father. I have only been to the royal palace twice and both were for assisting my mother with her work. My mother Maria, she is a beautiful oceanid with niaid genes who can spin the best life energy for the beings that lurk in our depths.

"Earth to Adam. Are you there Adam? Oh for King Neptunes sake! Snap out of whatever trance you're in and get your sorry tail out of that tiny cave and follow us to your new home." Brooke snatched up the dead eel and finished off what was left of it.

"Very well Brooke but please refrain from taking other's food without permission in the future, alright?" I popped my head out of the small cavern.

"Hmph!" Brooke swung around and crossed her webbed, scaly arms.

"I agree with the boy Brooke. Even I am a tad crossed with your behavior and I indeed raised you better than this. Apologies to the boy or I will drag you down to the depths of the darkest part of the dungeon and ground you for 3 years." Ivin snarled.

Ivin found Brooke when she was only 6 and has taken care of her ever since. Brooke said something too quiet for me to hear, probably because of the faint noises of tearing fabric while I was struggling out of the cracks with some of Ivin's help. My seaweed toga was ruined and had lengthy, wide tares that revealed my rather bony half starved figure. I haven't been able to eat in a while because of playing my games with these two. Although when Brooke glanced back at me she blushed and quickly turned away so maybe I didn't look all that bad.

A small wheeze overtook me due to the lack of rest and food. Ivin studied me carefully and avoided my bruises and scratches, merfolk don't get sick like oceanids do so this is all strange for them. At least my bones weren't broken and I still had enough energy to outswim them for awhile longer but I'm too wrapped up in appreciating Ivin's kindness and understanding.

A silver pouch sat eagerly to be of some use on Brooke's waist and she fished something out. It appeared to be an aloe of some sort and she began rubbing it gently on my forehead causing me to drift off into unconsciousness. Brooke mumbled something like 'rest now' and whatnot.

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