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I was relaxing in my backyard on my birthday, the sun beaming across my chest, cracking a cold one with the boys. Outcomes my beautiful, loving wife, with her hair swaying in he gusts of wind. She came out with a half-ton of Blackberry cheesecake, "My favorite!" I thought. I dug my fork into the slice of cake, but gracefully, falling from the sky, was paper, lots, and lots of paper. Landing in the pool, in my wife's beautiful hair. I was thinking, "What the hell is going on?". Micheal, one of the friends whom was sitting by my pool, looked up, and pointed. I turned around, staring into the start of a new war.

I could imagine, all the people, striked with fear. To that moment of thought, I could see large pieces of furniture falling. Not only was that furniture, it was people. I was struck, with fear and all other sorts of emotions, it was painful to watch this happen. I ran through my house, grabbed my keys, put on my leaher jacket my wife gave me, slammed my door, and booked it. There I was, standing under this falling ash and bodies, air poisoned from this black cloud. I couldn't believe it, how could this happen? I looked down and at my watch, but there was ash covered along it. I wiped it off, '8:59'.

A man about my height, came and grabbed my shoulder, blood running down his face, "G--get the fuck out of here. We don't need you blocking the road..." the man said with a violent attitude. I brushed him off to see what was happening around me. I checked my watch again, "9:02". I heard the roaring of an engine splitting through the air. I stepped back to look up, but before I could, the ground shook and I tumbled to the ground. Ashes and debris fell around me. Watching this ash, debris, and corpses fall, was a hellish nightmare. I got up and brushed the ash away, and saw an injured kid from debris that crushed his leg, wide open. He around 8 years old. He was yelling for his mom. As the kid couldn't walk, I carried him and asked if she was with him before the towers got hit. The poor boy said "She's right there". The boy pointed at a heap of ash. I walked towards it, the closer I got, the more gruesome the image got. I let the boy down, he cried at his mom's corpse, which is being filled with ash as I sit. I aksed if he had a dad, someone who can take care of him. The boy replied and pointed behind me, there was the man, who told me to fuck off. It has been around 90 minutes from when I found the kid. I was walking while carrying the little boy, with his dad behind me. I offered the kid water, in which he was in much need of. I tossed him a water bottle which he heavily drank out of. After his last sip, I heard a roaring thunder. I looked behind me, in fear, I ran as fast as I could, completely forgetting about the boy. There was people taking pictures along their porch, so I stormed into their house, slamming the door when they got in.

I looked out the window, watching people run for their lives that won't be their's for much longer. Then, I saw the boy, his dad ran, ditched him. The boy was crawling with his half ripped open leg, screaming, crying, holding the very water bottle I lended to him. I had my hand on the window, the boy looked directly into my eyes. Then, it all turned black, he's dead.

There will be more to come. Idk, I might add more to this part too. I hope y'all like it. I will be writing more of this, so deal with it.

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