Representing Jodie

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 If you want to perform this monologue, you may, but you must make mention that I wrote it. Enjoy!


Hi – I’m Jodie. I’m seventeen years old and I was left for dead in a cell. Sure, Shade might have been the one to put me there, but he was the one to try and get me to trust him, to believe him, to love him. He knew the pain I would be put through. He knew that they would starve me and torture me for days on end for information I couldn’t give! And he hadn’t cared.  Or at least, he hadn’t seemed to care.

He came to me after a week without food and 3 days without water. He then proceeded to untie me from my chair, and give me food. I feasted carnivorously on the measly bread roll I had been given as he began to apologise and cry for betraying me. Once he was finished, I gingerly got up, and crushed my lips to his. In that moment, we were one, and the world only consisted of us. I pulled away as I kept my hands on his cheeks before I swiftly kneed him in the groin, before punching him in the nose and feeling the delicious crunch of bone beneath my knuckles. He sagged to the floor. The crack as I stepped on his neck, the second his chest stopped moving was... electrifying.

No one ever betrays me.

Hi – I’m Jodie and I was labelled as a psychopath when I was five. And you know what? They were right. And there was a reason I was locked up.

So... Still wanna represent me?

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