Leave Me Alone

17 1 7

Jake's pov
Setting: Modern Day in True Cross Academy because it was the first place that popped up in my head.
(Disclaimer!! I'm not using Jake Paul in this story. The Jake in this story is not and I repeat NOT Jake Paul. Thank you for listening.)

I hate very detail about him. The way he slacks off during class. The way he's always on his phone during class. The way he's still passing despite the fact that he does nothing. The way he mouths off Yukio during a lesson for presenting quote on quote "wrong" information. The way his eyes sparkle when he kills a demon or talks about something he enjoys. The way he laughs all cute like when someone tells him a joke. His brown hair which flows like a bunch of waves. His blue eyes which are the color of the sky on a clear summer day. His slightly bruised sexy and still cute face he gets when he picks a fight with Rin.......

Okay there may be some things that I don't hate but still.

He's just a slacker who doesn't care for anything and why am I falling for this guy?

He probably doesn't even think of me as a partner, let alone a boyfriend. He probably thinks of me as something he has sex with once and a while. Like I'm his boy toy or something. He probably doesn't consider me a worthy partner either. I mean I can understand him a bit considering that he mostly kills all the demons while I attempt to kill the smallest demon ever and still failing. He probably only stays partners with me because that gives him an excuse the come with me places at stay at my dorm for the night.

"Jake!!" I hear someone scream my name. I snap out of my daydream phase and look up at the teacher. I immediately stand up and ask, "y-yessir?" I look around to see everyone staring at me and I see him, Tyler Porter, holding back a laugh. I immediately blush and the teacher asks, "Can you give me the answer to question 5?" "U-um-" before I'm able to give an answer the bell rings which cuts me off. I pack my things up and walk out the room. I sigh to myself once I get outside. Finally it's time to go home plus it's the weekend. I can relax and enjoy it while it lasts without any- "hey Daisy head!!" I hear him scream at me. Well there goes my weekend. I turn around and face him to which he jogs up to me. "What do you want and stop calling me Daisy head," I say to him. He smirks at me. "Well your hair is blond and your eyes are brown, like a daisy," he says to me. I get a slight blush again.

"Day dreaming in class will affect your grades you know," he says to me. I roll my eyes and start to walk away. How can he talk if he doesn't even pay attention in class?! "We gotta head to cram school," he says to me and I mentally slap myself. How could I forget we had that today!? The whole way to cram school was torture. Just listening to him tell me crappy puns and jokes was awful but, at least I could hear his sweet laugh which made me crack a smile making it seem as though I actually enjoyed the joke. We went into our classroom, normally the second to last ones late because of Rin. Rin is always late.

I sit down where I normally sit down in class and Tyler sits next to me. It's normally mandatory that partners sit next to each other but nobody really pays attention to that because people will sit anywhere.

I chose to sit in the back because I figured that being alone in the back would be nice for me. Listening to music or doodling to pass the time because most of the stuff that Yukio teaches I've already learned, I just need help to take action in what I was taught. Like I already don't like fights so me fighting a demon is like a no no. Then one day we had to choose partners and I didn't even get up out of my spot to ask anyone to be my partner because I always wanna be a loner. That was going to be the case until Tyler thought that it would be a great idea for us to be partners. I'll never forget what he said to me that day we became partners though.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2018 ⏰

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