Am Afraid

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Am Afraid

…of many things,

Of what tomorrow holds,

Of not having enough time to live,

Of not being afraid to die,

Of the many lies I’ve had to tell,

Of telling too much of the truth,

Of not truly finding another you till the end of time,

Of breaking all the spoken and unspoken promises I’ve had to make,

Of not being fulfilled in the end,

Of knowing you way too much to forget you,

Of having let you in too deep,

Of being truly happy,as the bubbles don’t last,

Of always taking the fall alone,

Of holding too much unused aces in the end,

Of not being all by myself

Of not caring enough about the little things,

Of losing the balance between loving and understanding the wrong and right things and vice versa,

And most of all; afraid of love, time and religion not being enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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