When Bo turned 7 years old Bo's Father went out drinking down to the little local pub down the road.Your probably thinking so all fathers go down to the pub.Yeah they do.Frank has been to the pub loads of times but when he came home something had changed this time he was not the same.He went into the living room where Bo's mother was sitting on the couch Bo was sat on the step she heard her dad shouting at Bo's mother.Bo was watching from the steps because the living room door was open.Bo heard a thump then she heard her mum scream then it went quiet.A few minuets later she saw her dad pulling her mothers body he unlocked the basement pushed her in and then he locked the basement up and walked away.He saw Bo and .....
The nasty and sad life of Bo Freeman
RandomBo' s is a little girl who had a great life untill one night something happend that changed.her life for ever