Where the wild things are.

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Moving to La Plata, Argentina was the highlight of my life. Away from boys, drama and all the strange things thats been going on in my life for the past months. From being stalked to cheating boyfriends and backstabbing best friends, i've decided to follow wherever life takes me and enjoy the ride.


"Arena! Come back baby, please, i won't hurt you babe, i promise!"

"No, leave me alone!"

I was in my old primary school --alone. i was scared and at this point, i would do absolutely anything to get away from him.

The way his cold lips connect with mine, the lustful look he gave me and when his masculine arms would grip my waist with so much force--possession. He took away everything i ever had, always stalking me and telling me things that are way too explicit.

"Arena" he whispered.

I was sobbing, silently of course, My heart was racing and the clinging together of chains, woods and his high aftershave lingered in the air. what the hell was he gonna do to me?

---------2 months earlier-------

Waking up the sound of Lana Del Rey and the scent of bacon, i dressed quickly---not because i'm hungry but because it was my first picnic in La Plata with the Johnson's (my neighbors). I heard they had a son who's an artist like me and of course, i wanted to paint beautiful sceneries of what La Plata had to offer. My aunt was dressed in a floral maxidress while i was just in a black skinny jeans with rolling stones graphic tee and a navy blue blazer.

I hated picnics without my mom and dad but they're in L.A on a business trip, probably enjoying themselves somehow meanwhile i was stuck with my narcissistic aunt. Anyways, life's great, right? Free food, wifi and not to mention, allowance every week. Eh, maybe she isn't that bad afterall.


This park is so beautiful. There was so much exquisite sceneries! I was busy looking at the ducklings when i heard a familiar voice.


I hesitated to turn around because i knew who that raspy voice belonged to.

"Jake? what are you doing here? I told you to stay away from me!"

"I can't. Babe, please hear me out!" He grabbed my wrist violently and pulled me towards the small shed by the pond. Shit, what's wrong with him? "Jake, let go! you're hurting me!"

"I can't, i've been ordered" What the hell?

"you see ari, baby-

"don't call me that!" something's fishy

Before i could speak, he pressed his lips to mine and his hand started to roam my back and my butt.

"stop it! leave me alone!"

"hey get off of her!" who was he?

"leave us alone dude, can't i please my girlfriend without being interupted?

Girlfirend? pleasing? Is he crazy?

"well, it didnt look like she was enjoying it"

"i wasn't. please, whoever you are, call the cops! He's my ex and he's been stalking me for a while now."

I was dead scared. Truth was, i always acted strong but on the inside, i was weak and i hated myself for that.

"ok, It's either i call the cops or you leave. You choose"

"I'll go but ari, baby, when I'm done with you,----

"alright, get outa here!"

What did he mean?""Arena! are you ok?!" It was my aunt.

"I'm fine, it was just Jake scaring me...again"

"Thank God you're ok, don't ever wander off like that again C'mon let's go"

"what? Don't we have a picnic?"

"We're going home arena, i don't want Jake near you. He might be somewhere around, that arse!"

"No, we're staying, look the Johnsons are already here, I can't do this, let's have fun, i don't want the spoil it. And i'm not gonna wander off"

Aunt Claire seemed a little hesistant but finally agreed.

"By the way, who was that boy that saved you?" "I really don't know. He just disappeared like that. I didn't even thank him"

"oh he seems-

"Hi Mrs. Anderson"

Holy shit.

"I'm aaron, you're neighour"

really, the cute guy who saved me was my neigbour?

"And you are?"

"Arena", I managed to breathe out. Great, now i feel embarassed.

"Ok, lets get to it. We aint got whole day"

"yes indeed" i said, almost too quickly.

I looked to my right and caught aaron staring at me and then finally winked. what in the world is going on?


Oblivious to arena, someone was watching her. One word arena, "Run".


Okay! Maybe that sucked! But anyways, do you guys think i should continue or not?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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