My New Home

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                "Please fasten your seat-belts as we prepare for landing. We are looking to arrive in Toronto at 3:27." The Captains voice sounds around the airplane through the intercom. I look out the window and I can see small pieces of land in-between the breaks in the clouds. I turn my music up a bit louder as 'little things' by One Direction plays. I lean against the side of the airplane as the plane slowly descended. Letting my mind wander, letting the day dreams consume me.

                As the city starts coming into view, I tense up at the thought that this is where I'll be moving in a matter of days. Just under a month ago my parents got in a car accident driving home from a play they went to watch. I guess they lost traction in the snow and the car went over the edge of the road. They went into the ditch and the car flipped over. I got the call that night saying that they were both in the hospital, but by the time I got to the hospital it was to late. They were already gone. I was left all by myself, the only other family I had/have is my aunt who lives in Pickering, a town about the size of my old one. Small, a small town where everyone seems to know each other. She insisted on paying for me to fly over there before I officially move, so I can see where I'm going to live, I think she thought it was going to make it better, make it all easier. So here I am waiting for my plane to land, so I can go see my new home.

                I'm slightly startled when the plane landed. "Please wait for the seat-belt sign to be removed before you leave your seats. Thank you for flying Air Canada." The Captain's voice says once again. I reach under the seat in front of me and grab my purse while the plane is still moving. I delicately place my bag on my lap as the plane stops moving and the seat-belt sign turns off. Luckily for me I'm only 10 row back so I can get off the plane relatively fast. As I stand up I shove my phone in my pocket as I slowly make my way down the planes isle way towards the exit. "Have a nice day," A blonde haired flight attendant (Who looked as fake as could be if you ask me) said with her fake plastered on smile. I quickly walk down the transportable stairs and briskly walk inside the airport. Looking around the bustling airport I hear all of the announcements, informing other passengers to board their flight.

                I wait for what feels like 15 minutes at the baggage claim before it even started moving let alone before my bag finally showed up. I pulled my green suitcase off the luggage carrousel. It hits the ground hard just like the others bags. As I drag my suitcase through out the airport slowly heading towards the pick-up area.

                I walk past the sliding glass doors and I see my aunt (Lisa) and cousin(Dylan) smiling wide. That's one thing I've noticed when you lose parents. Everyone seems to think that they have to smile at you, so now not only have you lost your parents, but now everyone's acting funny.

                "Ashley hun," My aunt says as she walks quickly towards me and embraces me in a hug. "Dylan grab her bag please."  She asks, and Dylan quickly grabs my bag from my hand.

                "Thanks" I mutter and he nods. We slowly make our way towards the exit door. The light outside get brighter as we approach the big glass doors.

                "I did you have a nice flight?" She says softly as we finally make it outside where a cold breeze hits me. I nod as I nervously bite my lip, looking around at the towering buildings in all directions. "We can talk later." She mumbles sweetly and I nod again as we continue to walk towards the car. Once we reach the car Dylan throws my suitcase in the trunk and I start to get in the back seat of their Land Rover.

                "No, Ashley you can sit in the front." He says with a kind, genuine smile.

                "No thanks, I'm good sitting in the back." I say with a weak smile as I fully sit down and shut the door behind me. I buckle myself in as he shuts the front passenger door. As my aunt starts the car, we start the hour and a half drive to Pickering in silence. I listen to my music as we go through the bumper to bumper traffic, which was barely moving.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2017 ⏰

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