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"Help me." I wake screaming, its always the same thing. Waking up screaming till my throat goes raw, balling my eyes out, shaking furiously and dripping in sweat. My mom comes in to comfort me like she does every night. She is the most important person in my life, and the most beautiful. She has long brown hair, golden crisp skin, almond eyes and doesnt at all look her age. Some people mistake us for sisters instead of mother and daughter when we're out.
"Did you have the same nightmare again?" I didnt have to say anything she already knew the answer. She gave a sad sigh.
"Okay i'll stay with you untill you fall asleep." She said with a soft soothing voice. That's my mom for you, compassionate till the end no matter the situation. With my mothers calming presence I drifted back to sleep.

The next morning I was getting ready for school. I picked out a outfit of a pair of black ripped jeans, a crop top that didnt show much and some black and white converses. I looked at myself in the mirror wondering how my mother looked so beautiful and I looked average. Like my mother I also had long brown hair but it is curly, tan skin and almond eyes. There is a mole placed under my right eye and on my left cheek. I must get that from my father because my mother dosent have any moles. My father is Puerto Rican I dont remember much about him considering he left me and my mom at a young age. It doesnt really bother me much. I head down stairs to see my mom sitting at the island with a cup of coffee peering at her phone.
"Good morning mom."
"Good morning how are u feeling." She said concerned
"A little slugish but who doesnt in the morning." I say disregarding the real meaning of that question.
Before she can ask me any further questions about my mental health and how she thinks its deteriorating I rush out the door saying I love you using the excuse that im going to be late for the bus when really im getting a ride from Ashln and her dad.

Ashln is my very upbeat very talkative best friend so the complete opposite of me. Her dad drops us off at school and waves goodbye with a huge grin.
"He seems to be in a better mood today." I say to Ashln.
"Yeah. He's made some progress with mom so he's bound to be happy." She sad sadly and sarcastically.
Ashln doesnt have such a good home life either. Her mom is pushing for a divorce and currently isnt staying with them.
"Hey I heard we are getting a new student." She says instantly changing the subject.
"Seriously this late in the year." Its already half way through senior year for Ashln and me. We head to class and make it just in time for the bell that signals class to start rings. My Ap World History teacher Ms.Hines  walks in, with im guessing the new student. As soon as I look at him flashes of my nightmare come flooding in. Why would I be getting flashes of it no-
"Hey Ms.Hines called you, stop spacing out." Asln whispers to me from the seat behind.
"Sorry yes Ms.Hines."
"Show Derik around the school till he gets the gist of it."
"Yes. YOU" she said fiercely "Are you not on the welcoming committee." Shit I forgot I joined that stupid committe to look good on my college applications.
"Yes of course." I say cautiously
Ms.Hines tells Derik to sit in the seat next to me so he can get to know me and the school better.
"Lucky you Julia." Ashln whispers from behind me. God shes always looking out for hot guys. But I have to admit he is kind of hot. He is wearing a leather jacket and boots, some light blue skinny jeans and a silver chain with a triskele charm on it. Now that I  look at him more closely he does seem fimilar. From his sharp jawline to his icy blue eyes. Which is rare to see with his dark mocha skin complexion and brunette way hair thats down to his ears. Some how he makes it look good. I hadnt realized that I had been staring at him this whole time. He looked over and gave a devious smile. I quickly turned away to look out of the window next to me. When the bell rang Ashln took off saying she called dibs on the "dark mocha latte" and those were her words not mine. I show Derik where his classes are the lunch room and some of the closest bathrooms. We dont have all of our classes together but the majority of them are. He seems to fit in with "those people" who seem to be instantly drawn to him. By the time lunch roles around we go are seperate ways and I met up with Ashln. As we sit down I notice that she is staring at me intensively.
"What?" I say with half a noodle hanging out my mouth. Its spaghetti thursday.
"Dont you what me. Give me some intel on the hottie Derik." Ashln is scary when she gets like this its better to give her what she wants.
"Well he fits with the "in" group and dosent really talk much."
"What thats all you got." She stated disappointingly. 
"Ugh. Your no help your suppose to be my inside girl."

The rest of the day went by boring and slow as usual. I had to walk home because my mom is working late, Ashln has after school stuff and me and my stupid self took my sweet time and missed the bus. As im walking down the street I have this eerie feeling that someone is behind me. I look back and see nobody with a sigh of relief I turn around and BAM there he is Derik.
"SHIT!! Man dont sneek up on a person like that. You just gave me a miny heart attack." He just stands there staring at me.
"Umm, can I help you with something." I ask with a snarky tone
"You should have sensed me comming." He finally says something and he says some weird shit like that.
"I dont know what the hell your talking about." I say brushing past him when he catches me by my arm.
"Mercy you dont have to hide your identity I know who you are." He said seriously. Who the hell is Mercy, is that one of his ex's, do I look like her.
"First off lets get one thing straight dont f-ing touch me we're not close like that and second off im not Mercy whoever the hell that is." I say shaking his grip and walking away. That was the weirdest encounter ive ever had with a hot guy. He must be one of those hot but has a weird personality guys. That night I had another nightmare or what seemed to be more like a memory. I was on a battle field surrounded by blazing black fire that didnt feel hot but cold. Someone else is there with me I can see the outline of their body and lips they keep yelling at me but no sound escapes their mouth. They start to run towards me frantically with an outstretched arm. The person is at least five feet away now its Derik! All of a sudden I feel this sharp piercing  pain in my stomach. I look down i-ive been stabbed. I slowly fall to the ground and when I hit the ground I woke up on the floor of my room with that same pain as in the dream. What the hell was that a nightmare or memory. No doubt about it now, Derik was the boy from previous my dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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