they meet (chap 1)

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Tamara's pov
I was walking around looking for something interesting to do but the town is super boring so i head back to the base where Ell and Matilda are waiting for me.

"Blue leader where have u been!?" Matilda asks
"I was out walking around"
"Blue leader u know that we cant protect u if u r not with us" ell says
"Ell i am fully capable to take care of myself u dont have to watch over me" tamara replies with.

~>magic time skip to later in the day<~

"Oh blue leader u have a meeting with the red leader in an hour" ell says to tamara, "oh ok thank u for telling me" tamara says to ell "your welcome" ell says, tamara starts getting ready to meet up with tord.

An hour passes and tamara is waiting for tord to arrive,
Tord arrives and walks over to tam
"Well nice to meet u tamara" tord says
"N-nice to meet u as well" Tamara says shuddering a bit
"Heh no need to be scared" tord tells tam
A small blush comes across tamara's face
"I uh o-ok" Tamara replies with.

tordXtamara  (Red leaderXblue leader)Where stories live. Discover now