Chap 1

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His fingers slowly teased me as he trailed my lower back. I dig a finger into his belt loop and moves his body closer to mine. Chills shoot up my spin as there is no space between us. My hand rubs every part of his chest as I can feel his hard poking me.


A faint moan escape my lip as the hunk slowly grinds against me. I wrap my arms around his neck as he left a trail of feather like kisses down my neck. Lost in pleasure I wrap my leg around his waist.


I jump as Chelsea's manly fingers poked my chest repeatedly.

"Time to come back to reality bro"

I released a long sigh as I sling my book bag into my pale blue locker.

"Aww... you were daydreaming bout Dylan weren't you?" Chelsea went on as she unpack her bag

I blushed at the sounds of his name. He is just soo hot, athletic, and straight...(depressing right?)

"Gawd Chels our lips actually touched this time" I said stupidly

"Jake I wouldn't say this if I didn't love you bro...but he's straight, and not to mention a complete asshole" Chelsea finished her statement by gesturing to Dylan who was talking to a group of girls.

I rolled my eyes as I shut my locker "If you say so" Soon after the bell for first period went off.

While my math teacher stood at the board blabbing about god knows what, I sat finding myself stare at the clock. Why does it always seem as if time stops right in the middle of a dead lesson. Especially when your teacher repeats the same damn lessons

On the bright side this was the last class before lunch, and Dylan sat right across from me. He looked like what dreams are made of....PERFECTION

His hair was like looking at a rainbow... just absolute wonder, it was long,and brown. His luscious pink lip that made any guy or girl feel sinful. And his body was just yumm. His smooth deep voice made me die a little on the inside.

The bell for 3rd period went off, a stampede of vicious animals rushed for the door (I don't blame them though)

The door was only a few steps away when I heard my name coming from an extremely familiar voice. A light blush come to my cheeks as I turn and face Dylan staring down at me with his dark brown eyes.

"can we talk" Dylan asked as he moved his hair out of his eyes.

"um...y-yeah" I tripped over my own words as I felt as if I would melt under his gaze

"this is a tad embarrassing" he started "but will you maybe tutor me? I really really need to pass math"

I paused "wh-why me?"

Dylan shrugged and looked at me deeply "sooo what'd you say Jake"

I nodded and heard a silent sigh escape his lips.

"When do you wanna start" I say nervously

"I don't know...when can we meet up?"

I shrug

I blushed when Dylan took my hand and wrote a number on it. I look at my hand in disbelief "Your number?" I asked

"Yea bro...Call me when ever, so we can study at my place"

"okay" I said with a hint of excitement in my voice

"well" I started "I gotta go" I slowly eased towards the door

"Jake?" I turned back to him "yea"

He looked at the ground and I saw a tint of pink rush to his cheeks "Don't wait too long"

I nodded, when I knew for sure I was out of sight I jumped around silently screaming. I might have seemed like a complete lunatic but who cares... I GOT DYLAN'S NUMBER

~Dylan's P.O.V~

A long sigh from my lips and settled and the silence of the room. You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that, he was perfection in ever way. His black hair and is shady grey eyes were enough to make me want every part of him.

I wonder if this is a smart thing to do...

Thoughts clouded my mind as I walk to the cafeteria and sit with my brother and his girlfriend.

"Dude what's wrong with you" I looked up as Javier derailed my train of thought

I stalled "umm nothing" I lied. it would be hell trying to explain to my brother how I was crushing on a guy, so I decided to push that topic to the back of the closet

I clutched my stomach as it grumbled. "GOD. you sound like big foot" Javier said in an over exaggerated Australian accent

I rolled my eyes and laid my head on the table and started thinking about Jake again

Just the thought of him made certain 'parts' of me tingly

I looked up slowly and just across the room sat Jake and his sister.

In my mind I was his and he was mine. I so wanted that but sadly there was no way in hell he would ever consider me. All because 1) he probably thinks I'm straight, and 2) I've been suspended more times than Justin Bieber has been on TMZ

All hope is lost


My first story for wattpad. If you made it this far hug yourself ^-^. leaving comments will boost my low self-confidence... XOXO

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