It's 12:00 am.
I miss you like I did last night at 2:00 am.
And I'll miss you when my mind still wanders to you at 4:00 am tomorrow.It's September.
I love you like I did November of 2016 at 3:40 pm.
And I'll love you when I celebrate with you in the summer of 2021 at 10:00 pm.It's Friday.
I want you like I did last week at 5:00 pm.
And I'll want you when you run all over my mind next Tuesday at 6:00 am.It's fall.
I need you like I did last spring all season.
And I'll need you when my body freezes during winter at 3:30 am.However...
I missed you to the point where I hugged everything in sight and pretended it was you.
I loved you to the point where I would drop anything and make sure you heard it often.
I wanted you to the point where I was so desperate to finally have you in my arms.
I needed you to the point where I couldn't even breathe if you weren't in my life.Now?
I try not to miss you.
I try not to love you.
I try not to want you.
I try not to need you.I try to fool myself into thinking I'm better off alone for the rest of my pathetic life.
But you?
I could disappear without a trace and you'd simply ignore it.
That's why I don't love you anymore.
I don't even know you.